Page 108 of When The Night Falls

‘Always, Cara. Sleep well.’

But I didn’t sleep well. I spent hours chasing slumber, and when I finally caught it, I tossed and turned like my worst nightmare was coming to life.

17 | have you ever

Aaron and I were watching a documentary about white-collar crime when we heard the front door open and close. Sprawled across Aaron’s body on the sofa, I lifted my head to welcome Jason’s arriving figure.

‘Hello,’ I cooed. ‘Did you have a nice day?’

Completely ignoring me, he flashed Aaron a fond grin. ‘Aaron. Good to see you, man.’

Aaron saluted him with a jerk of his head. ‘You too.’

‘How’s Dentons?’

‘It’s a dream come true.’

‘I bet.’

When he reached us, he didn’t hesitate to smother us with his weight. Squeezed into a sandwich consisting of two unfairly sexy men, I could hardly breathe.

‘Jason,’ I choked. ‘Can’t breathe.’

He squeezed me harder.

‘Oh my God,’ I mouthed as I lost my breath.

Laughing, he reclined toward the other end of the sofa.

‘How’s summer holiday?’ Aaron asked him and reached for the remote to pause the documentary.

‘It’s great. When the sun came out after three, Stephen and I went to the park with Livy and Giselle to work on our tans. Played some volleyball, messed about.’

‘I saw that on your Instagram story,’ I said, my lips protruding with envy.

‘Yeah. We missed you guys.’ He smiled affectionately. ‘Responsible twats that you are.’

Aaron chuckled. ‘Stephen and a tan? I can’t see it happening.’

‘Me neither,’ Jason said. ‘Man produces more UV rays than the sun. I had to wear my sunglasses for that reason alone.’

They burst into laughter at his joke. I shook my head at them, smiling.

When they finally calmed down, Jason asked Aaron, ‘Anyway, are you spending the night?’

‘I think so.’ Aaron turned his dark brown eyes toward me.

I hugged his warm body and smiled up at him. ‘Of course you are. Why else would I tell you to bring a change of clothes?’

Grinning, he planted a kiss on my head and brought both arms around me, pressing me against him.

‘Sweet,’ Jason commented. ‘Fancy a beer, then?’

Aaron shrugged. ‘Suppose the one won’t do any harm.’

Jason nodded and stood up. ‘How was work today?’ he asked me.

‘It was good. Much better than yesterday,’ I said, which was the truth. William and I had barely spoken, and whenever we had, we kept it strictly professional. He also hadn’t fucked anyone in his office, which was where I had set the standard since yesterday. So, whenever William didn’t shove his cock into somebody else in my presence, I was having a good day.