I nodded.
§ § §
It was almost three o’clock when I returned from my errand, and it took me another hour to make copies of all the files. I scurried back to William’s office with the stack of paper in my arms and opened the door with my elbow, but he was nowhere in sight. Looking at his desk, I was inevitably reminded of Francesca’s visit. Sighing, I walked in and dumped the documents on it.
As I stood there, I wondered what to do if William was currently seeing her with the intention of building something lasting. I would need to move on as well, that was for sure, but I was already trying and had been ever since we met, and it hadn’t brought me far. But, given enough time, perhaps I would consider this a blessing in disguise. If he and Francesca were getting serious, perhaps I would come to realise that it was the best thing that could have happened. Perhaps I would finally be able to view him solely in a platonic light. Nothing would get in my way, then.
As for his beauty? Well, I would admire that in silence until it became like furniture – familiar and something I didn’t give a thought.
Sinking into my chair, I got back to work.
I had been sitting there for a few minutes when my phone received a message, and it was from the single person I appreciated hearing from most right then.
You available tonight? I’m curious to hear how your vacation scheme is going. Mine’s chaotic but amazing x
Yes! Mine? I finish at five x
Just after I had pressed Send, William came in, and his arrival jolted me. For some reason, the fact that I had just texted Aaron made me feel like I had been caught committing a crime. With haste, I put my phone next to my laptop and focused on the NDA.
‘You’re allowed to look at your phone,’ William said with a tone of amusement.
‘How was the meeting?’
‘Efficient. Vi’s not one to waste anyone’s time.’ He sat down in his chair.
I was just about to reply when the screen of my phone lit up. Aaron had replied. Immediately after I had read his name, I saw that William stole a glance at it. I tensed, feeling awkward.
Some silence elapsed before he said, ‘I need you to stay for a bit longer today.’
I stared at him, but he seemed completely unfazed. Deciphering his thoughts was impossible, and I hated it.
‘Would that be all right, or have you got plans?’
A vague frown crossed my face. While we definitely had plenty of work to do, I considered the timing of his question rather conspicuous.
‘No, I can stay, but for how long?’
He shrugged. ‘I’m not sure. Depends on how quickly we work.’
‘Okay.’ Suspicious, I wondered if he had asked me to stay solely to punish me for interacting with Aaron. Then again, it seemed unlikely when taking his relationship with Francesca into account.
We had been working for a few minutes when he suddenly said, ‘By the way, on Fridays, we tend to go for post-work drinks at Disrepute – the cocktail bar where we first met. You should come. We’ll celebrate your first week with us.’
Ellie had already mentioned it during lunch, but after today’s events, alcohol and William didn’t seem like company worth seeking out. Rather, it seemed like the recipe for a devastating night out. Under the influence, I didn’t trust myself not to do something stupid, like act on my lust for him. Alcohol severely reduced my inhibitions, and I was struggling enough already. If I made a pass at him, I would never be able to live it down. He was my boss, and I had just been preaching to Ellie about maintaining professionalism. It would make me a hypocrite, to say the least.
Moreover, William was likely to reject my advances now, due to Francesca. Acting on my lust for him would also mean contradicting myself, and I wasn’t about to allow that. I had chosen my career, and I intended to stand by my decision. In fact, I owed it to William to stand by it. I respected him too much to do anything else.
‘I can’t. I’ve got plans,’ I lied. ‘Maybe next week.’
‘Next week it is, then.’
§ § §
William made me stay till eight. I was exhausted after spending more than twelve hours at work, so Aaron and I agreed to postpone meeting till tomorrow. I called Olivia on my way home, needing to vent.
‘Seriously?’ she gasped. I had just told her about Francesca’s visit. ‘No way he did that.’