‘You might want to bring your laptop with you,’ he said, and I thought I detected a hidden message. Had he tried to say, ‘I intend to fuck her, so you might want to step out for that bit’?
I frowned at the thought. He wouldn’t go that far, would he? Surely he was above that sort of behaviour. No, I refused to believe he would do such a thing. He couldn’t be that unprofessional.
‘Right.’ I grabbed my laptop and walked out without looking at him. It felt like I was in a trance as I approached the available desk beside Ellie. After leaving my laptop on it, I gave her a vague nod of acknowledgement and went to the lifts. As I waited for one to arrive, I tapped my foot, my arms crossed as if to protect myself from harm.
Francesca. Francesca Strafford, William Night’s what? His girlfriend? His plaything? What was she to him? Were things getting serious between them?
I knew they had been seeing each other for months by now. While I was curious to meet her, I also dreaded it. Did she know that we had shared him once? That I had also seen him naked? Like her, I knew what his vulgar mouth could do. Like her, I knew how delicious it felt to have him buried within. But was she aware of that?
I couldn’t imagine he would have mentioned me to her. Sure, he had clearly told Violet, but I suspected their friendship was to blame for that. William’s conduct with Francesca didn’t strike me as friendly in nature. Then again, what did I know?
My thoughts continued their unpleasant journey as I travelled down to the lobby. When the doors slid apart, my heart missed a beat. Beyond the security gates stood a tall woman with a slender frame and caramel coloured, wavy hair that was drawn back into a high ponytail. Her skin was light-brown with a golden shimmer to it, and she was immaculately dressed in a bright yellow and elegant summer dress of expensive fabric. It was undoubtedly a designer dress, but I had never cared for brands.
She turned toward me and my breath caught. She was nothing short of stunning.
At the centre of her face was a small, round nose, and her hazel eyes – set slightly wide apart – gazed curiously in my direction. Somehow, the distance between her eyes made her look even more attractive. She was an intriguing beauty – not the type you saw in make-up commercials, but rather that of Vogue.
Was she a model? She could be, I thought, if she wanted. She had the beauty, height and build for it.
‘Hello,’ I called and forced a smile as I went through the security gates. ‘I’m Cara, a new trainee. Mr Night’s assistant, of sorts.’ I offered my hand to her. ‘I’m here to collect you on his behalf.’
Not a trace of a smile was present on her face when her limp hand reluctantly reached for mine. ‘I see. How’s his mood?’ she asked, startling me, and let go of my hand after a lazy shake.
Did he tend to be in a bad mood around her?
‘He’s...William?’ I gave her a lopsided smile, but she was not amused.
‘Shit.’ She sighed and folded her arms.
‘Something the matter?’ I tilted my head.
‘Well, he’s not expecting me, so I’d hoped to find him in a good mood. I guess luck’s not on my side today. It’s just...’ She waved a hand in the air. ‘I’m headed for a job in Spain, so I wanted to say goodbye.’
It was tempting to ask if she was his girlfriend, but I refrained. It wasn’t my place, regardless of how badly I wanted to know.
‘Right. Well, he sounded happy when he asked me to collect you,’ I said.
Hope ignited in her eyes. The same moment I saw it, I knew she was in love with him. Was he in love with her, too?
‘Really?’ she asked, and finally, a small smile flirted with her lips.
I nodded. ‘If you’ll come with me?’ I ushered her toward the security gates. Her mesmerising legs moved with such elegance that I was further convinced she must be a model.
‘Spain’s lovely,’ I said to create small talk while I scanned my card to let her past the gates.
‘It really is, but it’s sweltering during summer. Third time I’m there this year.’
My eyebrows climbed higher. ‘Travel a lot, do you? I’m jealous.’
A smug smile decorated her mouth. ‘Yeah. Occupational hazard, you might call it.’
‘What’s your occupation?’
She shrugged. ‘I’m a model.’
And I was right.
‘To be honest, I suspected,’ I said amusedly. ‘You’re absolutely gorgeous.’