He didn’t look convinced. ‘No,’ he murmured as he analysed my reaction. ‘That was too easy – I was wrong. It’s something else, isn’t it?’
Olivia nudged my arm. When I looked over, I saw disapproval in her features. William had clearly managed to stir her sympathy to some extent, and now she was asking me to share her sentiment.
I sighed and returned my gaze to William’s. ‘I study medicine,’ I lied. I knew enough about the coursework from Jason to be able to make it convincing.
William’s eyebrows climbed up his forehead. ‘Really? Here in London?’
‘No, in Edinburgh. I’m only visiting Livy for the weekend.’ Another lie.
William’s eyebrows lowered again, a crease forming between them. ‘Oh. Edinburgh.’ He looked at the table, turning quiet.
Andrew gave him a look that I didn’t understand, but it seemed to carry a hint of compassion. ‘Well, medicine,’ he said and focused on me, picking up where William had left off. ‘That’s impressive. Decided what to specialise in?’
I shook my head. ‘Not yet.’
William leaned back and stared at me as if he were observing every corner of my soul. His gaze was remarkably piercing – penetrative, as if he could catch a glimpse of my core with a mere glance. It made me wonder if he had already discerned all my lies.
‘Well,’ William eventually said, ‘the mother I love to sleep with is an oncologist.’
I blinked. ‘Oh. Well, that explains everything. You’ve clearly got a type.’
He gave a mirthless chuckle. ‘And you clearly embody all the characteristics of said type.’
‘Just my luck.’
His eyes gleamed. ‘Anyway, are you in your third year as well?’
I groaned. ‘Is this an interview or something?’
He turned to Andrew with a grin. ‘She’s lovely, isn’t she?’
Andrew smiled winsomely. ‘She is.’
Taken aback, a blush emerged on my cheeks. Were they mocking me, or were they being sincere? Olivia sniggered beside me, clearly at my expense.
William faced me again. ‘I’m worried I might have fucked up my chance completely,’ he said, although he seemed to be speaking to Andrew still.
‘You have,’ I assured him.
‘How do I change your mind?’
I scoffed. ‘You’re the lawyer. Shouldn’t you know how to sway one’s opinion?’
I heard a strange sound then, like a strangled laugh. I glanced sideways. Andrew was looking anywhere but at me, trying to fight back a massive grin.
‘You’re quite right,’ William said, summoning my attention again. I fixed my gaze on him, and I could have sworn his eyes were aflame with something I had no experience dealing with.
‘I’ll start with this,’ he said. ‘We’ve definitely not met before. There’s not a chance I wouldn’t remember you, for several reasons.’
Sceptical, I raised a brow. ‘Such as?’
‘Aside from the obvious?’
‘What’s obvious?’
‘Well, the obvious is that, physically speaking, you’re absolutely stunning, but then that’s rarely enough to capture my interest, much less my memory. You see, beauty isn’t in short supply in this world. However, your beauty is in a league of its own. It’s completely unforgettable.’
A wave of heat crashed over my face.