Page 82 of Bought and Broken

I picture her doing that with her own kids. My kids, maybe. How does that make me feel? I can’t quite explain it.


“Yes?” I bring my attention back to the guys. Dane’s brow is raised.

“Office space. Have you seen any available?”

“Uh, yeah. I think I did when I was in Detroit the other day. By that Barcade thing.”

“How the hell does anyone get work done in those areas?” Bryan says with a shake of his head.

“Wish I knew,” Dane adds.

I bring my attention back to Devon because she’s the only thing worth watching.

Chapter Forty


I’m getting a plate of food for myself when Lola, Summer’s mother, comes up to me carrying Astrid.

“Do you know where Summer has run off to? I think this one needs a diaper change.”

Summer has been working on potty training Astrid but was worried she’d be too excited today to use the potty so has kept pull-ups on her. Seems she was right in doing so.

I put my half-full plate down on an empty table. “I don’t, but I can take her.”

“Thank you, darling.”

Lola hands Astrid over and walks away. I roll my eyes, and though I don’t know for sure, I’d bet she didn’t change Summer’s diaper once when she was a baby. Bet she hired 24/7 nannies for that. I know Summer had one growing up, but we never got into specifics about it. It’s terrible, honestly. Why have kids if you aren’t going to take care of them yourself? My father had a nanny to help out because he worked so much, but he also did what he could for us. Summer’s mother hasn’t worked a day in her life. So why have a nanny?

I head inside to where Summer and I put all of our stuff, but I don’t see the diaper bag. So, I go in search of Summer.

“Where is your mommy hiding?”

“Hide,” Astrid whispers, reaching for my hair to run her fingers through it.

The door to the room Astrid was napping in is closed, and just as I’m about to open it, I pause. There are voices inside. Harsh voices. I press my ear to the door, because I swear it’s my brother in there. Why would Dane be in there? Is he taking a business call? I can’t imagine him talking to clients like that. I flick my eyes to Astrid and hold my finger to my lips.

“Shh,” she whispers.

I smile and run my hand over her hair.

“—don’t understand why you’re doing this now. Here.”

“When else was I supposed to do it?”

Is that Summer? It sounds like Summer… but why would they be in there together, arguing?

“Any time within the last three years, Summer. You know where I live. You have my number. Did you make Devon invite me just for this?”

“No, of course not.”

Is she crying? What is going on?

“Does she know?”

My heart pounds harder, my ears rushing with blood as I wait for her to answer.