When the oven beeps, letting me know the food is done, I’m in my underwear and one sock. She still has everything on but her pants and socks.
“You are a cheater, Devon Kensington.” I point at her as I get to my feet.
“Not a cheater, Tatum Winters. Just good at poker.”
“I’m good at poker,” I say, grabbing the oven mitts and putting them on. “You’re a cheater.”
She smiles brightly, and fuck, that smile…
Pulling the oven open, I grab the dish of lasagna and place it on the trivets by the stove. I peel the tin foil off and Devon moans loudly, getting up from her seat to come over. She completely invades my space, which is something she used to do all the time.
Her hair smells like flowers, and her skin is soft and smooth. I try my best not to look down at her ass, but it’s difficult when her bare thigh is brushing mine. Knowing she’s in just her panties is driving me insane. She’s always had the nicest ass—
“I can’t believe you made this!” she squeals. “Wait,” she says, turning to face me. “How? Why? This is three times today, Tate. I want answers, and I want them now.”
It takes a second for me to put the pieces together, but I realize she’s questioning me—again—about making her favorite.
“I know you like it, so I made it. It’s that simple.”
Her eyes shine brightly, those green meadows, and I take a step back before I do something stupid like kiss her.
Because why the fuck would I do that? We aren’t nearly there yet, and I’ll kiss her when I need to. I shouldn’t want to.
“It needs to rest for a bit. Another round?” I ask. Because yeah, taking off more clothes is just what we need to do.
She looks from the table where the cards are spread out, then back to me.
“If you wanted to get naked in front of me, Tate, you could have just said so.”
She pats my chest as she moves by me. The stool scraping against the floor is like nails down my back, drawing blood.
I take a second to breathe, then return to my seat, determined to kick her ass this round.
Spoiler alert: I don’t.
I take my other sock off and toss it at her face. She laughs, her head falling back and exposing her throat that I’d love nothing more than to sink my teeth into.
I’d also like to add we made sure we had the same amount of clothes on to keep things fair. Somehow, I’m still losing.
“This is getting dangerous,” I warn.
“I can see that. Wouldn’t want to get my eye poked out with your tiny dick.”
I choke out an, “Excuse me?”
She winks at me. “You heard me, Winters.”
I roll my lips between my teeth, shaking my head. “How would you even know what a small dick looks like, virgin?”
She purses her lips, her eyes going dark.
This is me testing the water. I won’t call her out on lying yet because that’ll push her further away. I need her to think I believe she’s a virgin, even though I know otherwise.
This could be fun banter. Is she going to get pissed, or is she going to fight me back? Because I’ll admit, I like it when she’s feisty. I like it when she fights. I like when she makes me take what I want. Not that we’ve gotten there yet, but it’s coming.
She shifts on her stool, turning to face me better. She slowly spreads her legs apart, giving me the perfect view between her legs. The air catches in my breath when I make out the faintest shape of her pussy lips. No way in hell is this girl a fucking virgin.
In a quiet voice she says, “Because I like to watch girls get railed by big dicks while I fuck myself with my fingers.”