“You would say that.” I huff out a laugh, rolling my eyes.
“He said he understood and would respect my decision, but the offer stands. He would not let me refuse child support though. He wrote me a check for ten grand.”
“No!” I shout again, this time laughing.
“Yes,” she says around a laugh. “And the best part is he said he wanted to give me way more, like sixty grand more, but knew I wouldn’t take it. As if I’m going to cash this check.” I can hear her eye roll.
“Add it to the trust I set up.”
“Planned on it. Any money Dane gives me? That’s where it’ll go.”
I chew on the inside of my lip as I think over how to say what I want to say. But she keeps going on before I can get it out.
She adds, “Your father is meeting Astrid this weekend.”
“Oh, Summer, I love that. For all of you. That’s great.”
“I was worried he’d freak out. But he was actually pretty happy.”
“Of course he was,” I say, but feel distracted. There’s still something I want to say to her, and I guess the best way is to just say it.
“Summer, I know you’re proud of where you’ve gotten in life, and you should be. But don’t turn down everything from Dane just because of it. If he’s offering to help, let him help. He has the money and the means to do it. Enjoy your life. Don’t shove it all in the bank and refuse to use it. Go on vacation with Astrid. Buy her the biggest Blue’s Clues toy you can find. Don’t let your pride get in the way of making a better life for you both.”
She sighs. “You know me too well, Devon.”
“It’s why we’re best friends.”
She laughs quietly. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
Long after we end the call, I lie in bed wondering if I’m letting my pride get in the way too…
Chapter Forty-Nine
Two weeks later…
I’ll admit, this has not been the best few weeks of my life. It’s been shit. I’ve lost track of days more than once. Can’t recall the last time I showered. I’m not sure my business is still afloat.
My, how quickly you can fall into a depression. I crawl out of bed, my phone alerting me that someone is ringing the bell. The app is only half working though because it isn’t showing the camera and won’t let me scream at them through the mic to go the fuck away.
So, the only other option is to crawl out of bed and tell them to their face because whoever it is is pretty fucking adamant about seeing me.
When I swing the door open, the last person I expect to see is Dane.
Well, not true. The last person I’d expect to see here is Devon, but Dane is close.
“What the fuck is that smell?” Dane says, waving his hand in front of his face that’s pinched into disgust. “Is that…” He leans in close, taking a whiff and gags.
“If you don’t go in the shower right now, I’m calling the fucking cops.”
“And telling them what?” I huff.
“That there’s a health concern due to toxic gas.”
I scoff. “You’re an idiot.”
“Maybe, but at least I don’t smell like roadkill.”