I sigh, glancing out the window and up at the stars. “I love you, Summer. And I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no. You’re not doing that. You have no reason to apologize to me. I’m the one who should be sorry.”
“I forgive you.”
“I’m not sure I deserve your forgiveness.”
“Of course you do, Summer. I told myself I’d think about this longer before talking to you, but I missed you. And at the end of the day, no matter how much I think about it, my mind isn’t going to change. I’m upset you lied to me, but I understand why you did it. I’m hurt for my brother, and I understand why you didn’t tell him right away. I can’t help but think maybe it’s my fault too.”
“What? Are you on drugs, Devon?”
I chuckle. “Maybe I did something for you to think you couldn’t trust me with this?”
“No, Devon. I was drinking too much. Partying too hard. Sleeping with Dane was not something that should have happened. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t think it could be his. I only realized it after my mom kicked me out, and at that point I was so scared of losing you on top of everything else… It’s shitty, but I couldn’t risk it.”
“I’m so sorry, Summer. I knew that time was hard for you, but dealing with that fear too…”
“I’m good now,” she says.
“Yeah, you are. You’re a great mom. How is Astrid?”
“She said her first swear word yesterday.”
I gasp. “She did not!”
“Oh yeah. Called the orchid a bitch.”
Oh my god, I nearly cackle. “She didn’t!”
Summer is laughing too. “I tried not to laugh, but seriously? Who calls a plant a bitch? And why? It wasn’t even doing anything to her.”
We both laugh, and god it feels so good to laugh with Summer. I miss her. I wish she would have come with me. Or maybe that I would have stayed there…
“Have you worked things out with Dane?” I ask.
“Uhm, yeah. I think we have. I thought he would have told you.”
“I haven’t talked to him,” I admit. And when we did talk about it, I didn’t ask because I wasn’t ready to know.
“He said you told him where you were going?”
“Because he forced me. I haven’t talked to him since I got here though.”
Summer’s bed squeaks on the other side of the phone, and I glance at the clock. It’s only about nine, but Astrid is probably asleep already and I’m sure Summer has work tomorrow.
“We agreed we wouldn’t date or feel the need to just because of Astrid. I told Dane he can see her whenever he wants and that I want him in her life, but we need to talk about things when it comes to her. Co-parenting isn’t easy, and I want to make sure she sees us on the same page.”
“That’s smart.” I pull the blankets up higher and get comfortable.
“Your brother is a good man, Devon. Honestly, I’m glad Astrid is his and not Tommy’s.”
I huff out a laugh. “Tell me about it.”
“Dane offered for me and Astrid to move into your house—”
“No!” I gasp.
“Yep. I told him that wasn’t happening. I didn’t work my butt off to let some guy ruin it.”