Page 43 of Bought and Broken

I wait a beat before saying, “I can, but I don’t think you’ll believe me.”

She watches me carefully, and I can’t tell how she’ll take what I’m going to say.

“Do you promise to tell me the truth?”

I put my fork down and turn to face her. She’s watching me carefully.

“If I say yes, will it matter? If you don’t trust me, Devon, you’ll think everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie.”

“Whose fault is that?” she snaps.

“I’m not trying to fight with you,” I say before she can get more upset. I put my hand on hers, hoping she’ll go back to how calm she was seconds ago.

She yanks her hand out from under mine.

“Maybe I’m trying to fight with you! Maybe I’m mad. I’m allowed to be mad, Tate.”

“Yeah, you—”

“No, Tatum. No!” She gets up, tossing her fork on the counter. It clatters before crashing to the floor. “I can’t do this with you.” She gestures around. “I thought I could, but I can’t. I don’t know what is going on, what your deal is. I’m asking for truth, but you’re right. No matter what you say, I won’t believe it. Because you did this. You ruined us!”

She storms away, pounding up the stairs.

And I go after her because I’m trying to show her that I’m different.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I’ve just reached the top of the stairs when I hear him storming after me. I’m almost in my room when his hand is on my arm. He whirls me around and slams me against the wall. His fingers dig into my chin as his body crushes mine. He’s so warm, and my god, he smells so damn good.

It reminds me of the night he choked me up against the fridge, only this is different. The air around us is different. The tension… it’s all different.

The other time, Tate was furious. He was angry. I felt his hatred.

Now? I feel his frustration… and his erection.

“You want to know why I bought you, Devon?” he growls. “You want to know why I spent three point five million dollars on you, huh?”

“Yes!” I shout, wiggling against him. Fighting him. But not because I want to get away. This time, I’m fighting him because he wants me to. He chuckles and presses tighter against me, making it nearly impossible to move.

“Because there is no way in hell I could have lived with myself knowing you went home with someone else. The thought of any other man in that room putting his hands on you has me fucking crazy.” He taps the side of his head with his finger. “Because this virginity you wanted to sell? It belongs to me. Always fucking has.”

“I already told you I’m not—”

Tate slams his mouth against mine, causing me to squeak in shock.

Rich tomato sauce, wine, and something that is just him is all I can taste. His lips are soft, tongue warm and wet. He pushes past my lips harshly, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I whimper.

This is so much better than I remember.

Tate grinds against me, and I kiss him back.

Fireworks and warmth and excitement and butterflies. My body is a live wire.

It’s like fitting the final piece of a puzzle into the puzzle. This is how things were supposed to be between us. This is what it would have been like if—

Don’t think that way, Devon. Just let it be. Go with it.