Page 100 of Bought and Broken

“I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to tell you this for weeks, but I’m not sure there is one. So, I’m just going to say it. I have cancer. Glioblastoma. Doctors say it’s unlikely I’ll make it to the holidays. I’d like to see you, son. I want you to…”

He keeps talking, but I don’t hear the words. Everything around me goes dark, and all I can think is that I wish I were dead.

Chapter Forty-Six


I’m home only five minutes before Dane storms into my bedroom, nearly tearing the door from its hinges. It slams into the wall behind it; the handle putting a hole in the drywall.

“Get out!” I scream, tugging my suitcase from my closet. I’m grabbing as much stuff as I can and getting the next flight to Myrtle Beach—to my new home. I can’t stay here another minute. Not after every person I know has betrayed me. I need to get out of here more than ever.

“How could you do this? Do you know how dangerous it is to go to those things?” Dane shouts.

“Here we go again with the double standards,” I mutter, dropping my suitcase onto the bed and unzipping it.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means I know you were supposed to go!” I scream. “Why is it okay for you to do whatever you want, with your best friend who is a lying asshole, but your sister has to stay in a fucking bubble?” He just stares at me as I storm to my dresser and tug open the drawer. I grab as much as I can and drop it into the suitcase. A lot of my things are already at Tate’s house, so I’ll never get them back. Best I just take what I can, but I’ll have a lot to buy when I get to my new house. Before going for more clothes, I look at Dane. “The shittiest part is I’ve been doing it to myself,” I say with a huff.

“Doing what?” he asks gently.

“Putting myself in a bubble! I find these safe places and hide away there, knowing nothing can hurt me. You did that to me. You and Dad. I’m tired of it, Dane. Tired of all this. I need a new life. Away from you and Dad and anyone else who tries to stop me from living my life.”

“So, what, you’re just going to run away? You don’t have anywhere to go.”

“That’s where you’re wrong!”

His brows raise.

“I have a house. Bought it with the money I got from the auction.” I force out a laugh. “It’s bittersweet, you know? The heartache from Tate is almost worth the money just so I can leave.”

“You can’t leave,” he says firmly, shaking his head and moving closer to me.

I purse my lips. “I can and I am. Already bought the house.”

“What? Where?”

“I’m not telling you.”

I go to my closet and rip whatever I can carry from the hangers.

“Then I’m not letting you go,” he says, sounding a little crazed.

He moves in front of the door, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You can’t stop me, Dane. I’m an adult. If you don’t let me leave now, I’ll do it another day.”

He doesn’t answer me and doesn’t move. I finish gathering my things. When the suitcase is packed full, I close it, grab it, and move to Dane.

“I don’t want you to go, Devon.” The emotion in his voice makes me want to cry. I don’t want to leave my brother. But I have to.

“Well, I can’t stay.” My words are weak. Shaky.

“You’re just leaving because Tate hurt you—again.”

“If you cared about that, why was he here all the time? If you knew he hurt me, why let him be here, huh? Don’t use him as an excuse.”
