The van lurches to a stop, and I brace myself, trying to steel my nerves for whatever comes next. The doors swing open, and harsh light floods in, blinding me after so long in the dark. I blink against it, my eyes watering as I try to focus on the figure standing there.
“Good day,” he says in an oily Italian accent. “I’m Victor Albrecht, and you must be the blushing bride.”
He’s taller than I expected, his presence filling the space with a cold, menacing energy that makes my skin crawl. His eyes gleam with a cruel satisfaction as he steps closer, crouching down so that his face is level with mine. I try to pull away, but there’s nowhere to go, no escape from the mocking smile that twists his lips.
“Look at you,” he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. “So young, so determined to get involved in things that don’t concern you. And now look where that’s gotten you. This is what happens when children play in a man’s world.”
I don’t answer. I can’t. My throat feels like it’s closing up, my voice trapped somewhere deep inside me. I want to scream, to fight, to do anything but sit here, helpless and terrified, but all I can do is stare at him, my heart pounding in my chest.
He grabs my chin, his fingers digging into my skin as he forces me to look at him. “You know, you could have stayed out of this. You could have gone on with your little life, but you decided to play house with that evil little cunt. And now you’re going to pay the price for saying I do to Lucas fucking Caprione.”
The mention of Lucas sends a fresh wave of pain through me, sharp and undeniable. He’s why I’m here, why I’m in this mess. But the thought that he might be dead, that I’ll never see him again, is almost too much to bear.
I blink back the tears, refusing to let them fall, refusing to give Albrecht the satisfaction.
“Security was tight at the penthouse,” Albrecht continues, his tone conversational, as if we’re discussing the weather. “I’ll give him that. But your husband was too dumb to think there might ever be a fire alarm? Everyone just files out like good little sheep. And there you were, walking right into our arms. My men in uniforms. Everyone trusts a uniform, right? It was almost too easy.”
I close my eyes, trying to block out his voice, trying to hold on to something—anything—that might keep me from breaking. But it’s no use.
He grins, showing crooked yellow teeth. “By now, your husband will be dead. Isn’t that wonderful? The bane of my fucking life, gone for good.” He glances at his watch. “Which means you’re mine, little bird. No one is coming to save you. His parents dead. Him dead. His line gone, once I deal with that thing growing inside you. Or maybe I let you give birth, use it to keep you in line. What do you think?”
His words sink in, each one a dagger to my heart, and the realization hits me with brutal clarity.
Lucas is dead.
Albrecht’s men wouldn’t have taken me if he were still alive. He would have found me, saved me by now. He would have stopped this. But he’s not here. He’s not coming. And that can only mean one thing.
He’s gone. Forever.
The tears spill over, hot and unchecked, and I bite my lip to keep from sobbing. I can’t let Albrecht see how much this hurts, how much it’s killing me. But the pain is too much, too overwhelming, and it’s all I can do to hold it together.
I love him. The thought slips into my mind, clear and undeniable, and it’s like a knife to the heart. And now it’s too late.
Albrecht’s grip on my chin tightens, his eyes narrowing as he studies me. “What’s the matter? Reality sinking in? You should have known better, sweetheart. Men like Lucas don’t last long in this world. He was always going to end up dead. And now, you belong to me.”
His words hit me like a physical blow, and I choke back a sob, the despair washing over me in waves. I can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t do anything but sit here, feeling like my entire world is crumbling around me.
I’m going to die. I’m going to die, and Lucas is already dead, and the last thing I’ll ever feel is this crushing, overwhelming grief.
But even as the fear and sorrow threaten to consume me, there’s a spark of something else—a small, flickering flame of defiance. I can’t let it end like this. I can’t let Albrecht win. I can’t just sit here and wait for him to kill me.
I have to do something. Anything.
Albrecht’s attention shifts, his phone ringing loudly in the oppressive silence of the van. He releases my chin, his hand sliding away as he pulls the phone from his pocket, answering it with a sharp, “What?”
His expression changes as he listens, a flash of anger crossing his features. “He’s still alive?” he hisses, his voice low and dangerous. “How the hell did that happen? There were four of them, for fuck’s sake… Well, find him. Now.”
My heart skips a beat, a sliver of hope cutting through the despair. Lucas is alive. He’s alive, and that means he’s out there, looking for me. The realization is like a lifeline, something to hold on to, something to fight for.
But the hope is short-lived as Albrecht’s eyes narrow, his gaze snapping back to me. “Fine,” he snaps into the phone. “We’ll go with Plan B. She’ll be the bait.”
He ends the call, his smile returning as he looks down at me. “You’re not going to die just yet, sweetheart. First, we’re going to use you to lure Lucas out, make sure he gets what’s coming to him. And if you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you stick around. As my slave. My pet.”
The disgust and fear are overwhelming, but I hold on to that small spark of hope. Lucas is alive. He’s alive, and he’s coming for me. And I have to hold on long enough for him to find me.
Albrecht’s fingers brush against my cheek, and I flinch, the touch sending a shiver of revulsion down my spine. “Don’t worry,” he murmurs, his voice dripping with false sweetness. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”
But before he can do anything else, his phone rings again, and his expression darkens as he answers it. “What now?” he snaps, turning away from me as he listens. Whatever he hears on the other end of the line only seems to fuel his anger, and he storms out of the van, leaving me alone in the darkness once more.