“Lovely.You know these two young ladies? And Liberty Belle, what a name. Especially for a perfect day like today.” My grandma eyed Liberty and her friend like they were the topping to her ice cream. “What is this fate you speak of, Jake?”
Liberty dipped her head, and the gesture only made me grin more. “Well, Grandma, funny you ask. You know that cute little stunt you pulled for the auction for the Women’s Auxiliary? Liberty here had the winning bid.”
My grandma clasped her hands together. “Oh, that is fantastic. But Jake explained that you didn’t want to spend the day with him.”
I gave Liberty a look. “She had plans. I’m Jake, by the way.” I held out my hand to her friend.
“Jill. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And you’re right about that fate thing. We were looking for you.”
My eyes connected with Liberty’s.
“Liberty and Jill, it was a pleasure meeting you both. But the line behind you is growing tremendously. If you guys move over to the side, my grandson can talk to you over there.”
The ladies scooped up their plates, and I waited patiently while my grandma took the next order. “Can I go, or do you still need help?”
“No, I’ll be fine. I think you’ve helped me enough today.” She winked and squeezed my arm. “Have fun tonight. Stay out of trouble.”
I chuckled. “Says she who put her grandson on the auction block.”
Liberty and Jill were standing in the shade near The Pie Maker’s tent, eating their pie, when I approached.
“This is so freaking good,” Liberty said around a mouthful of pie.
“Lucky for me, I know the owner. I’ve gotten them all my life.”
Liberty’s cheeks were pink from the sun. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, but she looked every bit as gorgeous as she had earlier.
“I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Jill convinced me that it was a mistake to not at least enjoy my win.”
I nodded. “I agree with Jill. You’re okay with Liberty spending the rest of the day and night with me?”
Jill nodded. “Our other friends will be here later. It’s sweet of you to ask, but it’s not a problem. I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. July.”
Liberty elbowed Jill in the side, making me laugh.
“What did she tell you?”
“That you’re a fantastic kisser.”
“Music to my ears.” Because I wanted Liberty. I wanted to taste her. All over. “In all seriousness, though, my grandma would have my head if I didn’t completely live up to my end of the deal. Let’s spend what’s left of today together.”
“I would love that.” Liberty stuck out her hand to shake on it, but I tugged it and pulled her into my arms. My mouth met hers. Hints of strawberry peppered my mouth, and my cock hardened at the thought of how the rest of her would taste. I pressed my body against hers, and she moaned against my lips.
Talk about scorching heat for the month of July.
“Ohhh-kay. You two need to get a room.”
Liberty and I pulled away from each other. Her mouth was wet, and all I wanted to do was pull her in close one more time. She gave me a shy smile like she might be thinking the same thing.
“You wanna go hit up some carnival rides and some games? My treat.”
“I have a killer arm for darts,” Liberty said.