Jake kissingme had set off a fireworks finale inside my body the first go-round, and I wasn’t sure I could handle a second time. But apparently my mouth and my mind weren’t on the same page. “Think you can live up to that first one? You set the bar so high—”
His mouth was hot and hard. But soft and tender against my lips. He was the beautiful weather after a perfect rain. He was the flawless combination of tongue and lips, and he was completely in sync with the way I moved my mouth against his.
Heat pooled between my legs.
I wanted this guy so badly.
He ended the kiss, and I was in such a daze that he laughed, and I opened my eyes.
“You’d better go.”
“I’d better. Jill is waiting for me.”
I walked away, trying my damnedest not to turn around. Guilt sailed across my skin for turning down the chance to spend the evening with him. He was the most attractive guy I’d met in a long time, and instead of holding his hand, walking around the festival, and sharing the Fourth of July with him, I was going to sit in the beer garden with Jill. I would possibly get drunk and blab all night to her about Mr. July.
Jill stood at the gate and waved when she noticed me.
“Shit, it’s a good thing I put sunscreen on. I’m already sunburnt.” Jill had fair skin and freckles everywhere. Plus, it was annoying how even in the blazing heat, she looked completely put together and sweat-free, while my bra was soaked.
“Me too. Let’s get a beer. I have quite the story to tell you.” I tugged on her elbow, and once we both had been carded and given a bracelet and our beers, we found an open table in the shade.
“It must be pretty major. You haven’t answered anything I’ve said.”
“No. I wasn’t listening. I’m sorry. I met a guy.”
Jill’s hands went together. “Do tell. He has you in knots.”
“He does. Mr. July. But his real name is Jake.”
“Mr. July?” she asked.
“He was the auction item that I bid on. And won.” Well, stolen was more accurate. When I ran into the tent, I’d found a bidder’s sign on the ground and swept it up.
“What?” Jill looked around the beer garden. “Where is he?”
I shrugged. “I said thanks and left. I only did it to avoid Lousy Lewis. It’s not like I did it for the actual prize.”
“So what you’re saying is Mr. July was not a hottie?”
I swallowed, still feeling the ripple of abs beneath my fingertips when I’d pressed my bidder number into his shorts. “No. Mr. July was the hottest man I’ve ever met. Light-brown eyes that looked like caramel. Perfect nose. Perfect cheeks. The most amazing lips I’ve ever touched.”
“Girl, what the hell are you doing with me? Why aren’t you with him?” She took a drink of her beer and set it down abruptly. “You touched his lips? What’s that mean?”
“He kissed me.” I held my fingers up. “Twice. Once when he was pretending to be my boyfriend, because you know how Lewis is—never taking the hint. Jake had to just show him that we were a couple.” I fanned my face. Was there zero air circulation under this tent? “When I said goodbye, I knew it was a bad idea, but he kissed me again. That time, it was for real. I pretty much almost orgasmed on the spot.”
Jill fanned her face too. “I’m about to orgasm vicariously. One thing I don’t get—why are you here? When you could be with this Mr. July.”
I released a deep breath. “I don’t know. Scared, I guess. The guy is way out of my league with his gorgeousness. I want something that will last, and trust me, Mr. July does not look the type to settle down. He looks more of the wild-and-fun-night-stand type.”
“So what? Look at you. You’re blushing. You are on fire for this guy. So what if Mr. July isn’t Mr. Right? He’s Mr. Right Now, and that is what counts. Go find him. Reward yourself.”
Jill drank the last of her beer, whereas mine still sat half full. She stood up and tossed our cups into the nearest can.
I gave her a pointed look. “That was my beer.”
“Yeah. And you are my friend. I’m helping you get laid, if not more. Come,” she demanded.