“I…” Fintan pressed his lips together, almost like he was considering his words before he just blurted them out. The air stilled around us, the winds dying down, the rustling of the grasses falling silent. Rafe and Elijah exchanged glances that were way too serious for my liking, and I hugged Tully tighter, this irrational fear in the pit of my stomach like a lead weight dragging me down, down, down…
“I have a suggestion,” Fintan admitted at last, shattering the quiet, the corners of his sly mouth quirking. “It involves a lot of booze, a bit of dancing, a palace stocked with all you’ll ever need, a bath the size of a stadium, and…” He nudged at Rafe with his elbow, then winked at me. “And a sun that never rises.”
“As long as it’s far away from here, I’m game,” Rafe insisted, catching my eye briefly, his gaze promising a long talk somewhere private—later. My subtle nod had him flashing a shy grin, and Elijah squeezed my waist, watching it all unfold.
“Agreed,” the dragon said, his voice giving way to a seductive grit that had my toes curling. “So long as I can spread my wings, fae.”
Fintan swept a hand through his hair, roguish and alluring in the way he growled, “I swear, dragon, you’ll touch the fucking stars.”
Nibbling my lower lip for a moment, I eased away from Elijah, needing to stand on my own two feet as I said it—as I surrendered to us.
“As long as I’m with you three, I don’t care where we go,” I told them. “As long as we’re together… I’ll be there.”