“That’s none of your concern, Marcus,” Iheard Lucy say.
Someone sat down beside me and started tobrush the hair away from my face. It felt nice. Why couldn’t Jason brush myhair away, too? It must’ve been Marcus. I couldn’t remember Lucy having suchbig hands. “I think it is. Doesn’t look like you are doing a very good job oflooking after her, Lucy.”
I groaned and turned my back to them. I wastoo tired to listen to them bicker.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Fuming, I stood in front of Olive’s old roommateand ex-boyfriend, trying my best to not deck the guy.
“Get me Olive,” I growled for the secondtime.
“She is not in a state to see you right now,man. I suggest you come back in the morning.” He tried to close the door in myface.
I had come home late, only to find an emptybottle of champagne and Olive’s laptop next to the pool, but no Olive.
When I’d tried to call her, I found herphone in her own room right across from mine. Worried out of my mind, I’d gonethrough her phone, called her friend Lucy, and learned that she was at theirplace.
I hit the door with my palm and forced himto open it. “Olive,” I yelled into the apartment. Instead of Olive coming out,a sleepy-eyed Lucy appeared behind the douchebag.
“What’s going on here? Jason? Are you hereto get Olive?”
“Yes,” I gritted through my teeth, keepingmy eyes on Marcus. “Can you tell her that I’m here?”
Grabbing on to Marcus’ arm, Lucy tried topull him back, but he wasn’t budging. That son of a bitch had his eyes on me,too.
“Have you lost your mind, Marcus? He is herhusband for god’s sake.”
He gave an unamused laugh. “As if I wouldbelieve that was true after the way she came here.”
My eyes flew to Lucy’s with a differentkind of worry. “Is Olive okay? Did something happen?”
“As if you care about her,” Marcus spat.
Lucy’s face softened. “She is fine, Jason.She just drank a little too much. She is sleeping it off, that’s why I said onthe phone that you could come and get her in the morning.”
Fed up with the idiot, I bulldozed my wayinto their apartment.
“Hey!” he yelled after me.
Just come at me boy, I thought. Come at me so I can take it out on you.
“Where is she?” I asked, looking at Lucy.
Charlotte, the other roommate, was watchingeverything unfold calmly in front of an open doorway. I took a step toward herand she shook her head. “She is sleeping in Marcus’ room.”
I whirled on Marcus, my patience completelygone. “You son of a bitch! Did you touch her?!”
“What do you care? You’re nothing to her.” Heraised his voice and puffed up his chest, coming toward me. Before I couldreach him and mess up his pretty little face, Lucy grabbed my forearm.
“Stop it, both of you! He didn’t, Jason. Jeez.”She shot an annoyed look at Marcus. “No one did. I was sleeping next to her.Come on,” she explained in a rush and pulled me toward another closed door.
My hands were itching to lay it on the guy,but I let Lucy’s small frame pull me away from him.
I entered the room after her and saw Olivesleeping in the middle of the bed, her legs pulled up into her stomach. All myanger melted off me and my heart settled down. I would have to sit down andthink about what that meant.
Putting one knee on the bed, I slid my armsunder her back and knees and lifted her up in my arms as gently as possible. Itook a deep breath and caught her beautiful scent.