Page 80 of To Love Jason Thorn

“I suggested the same thing, but she saidyou’d need to have a private conversation. She said to tell you she’ll be backat her office in fifteen and to meet her there. Do you want me to get back toher?”

“No it’s fine. I’m minutes away, we’ll waitfor her.”

When we made it, her assistant was alreadywaiting for us and led us into Megan’s office.

“I know I didn’t ask, but I hope you have timefor this,” I said to Olive once we were alone.

“The meeting? Yes, of course. I know I haveto sign things.” She gave me a questioning look. “At least, I’m assuming I do.”

“You don’t have to sign anything you don’twant to Olive. I trust you.”

We were interrupted when Megan’s assistantcame back to let us know Megan was a few minutes away and to ask if we wantedanything to drink.

We both declined.

“What is she going to talk to us about?”Olive asked once the assistant left.

“Aren’t you going to sit?”

She looked around as if she was only thenseeing the big sectional on the far left side of the office and the set ofarmchairs in front of Megan’s desk.

“I’m good,” she said after a moment.

I walked up to her and held her by hershoulders. “She won’t leak anything we don’t want her to leak. For that, sheneeds to talk to both of us. Basically, we have to come up with a game plan forthe marriage thing. That is, if you are absolutely sure, Olive.”

Rubbing her palms up and down her thighs,she nodded and looked at me. “I am. Like you said, if nothing else, it’ll befun.”

I let my hands wander down from her armsand linked our hands together.

“It’ll most definitely be fun,” I murmured,her beautiful eyes pulling me in.

“That is exactly how I want people to see you,”Megan said as she barged in.

Olive gave a slight jerk. I sighed andlooked at the ceiling.

“Hello to you, too, Megan.” Dropping one ofOlive’s hands, I turned us to face my dear publicist. “Olive, this is Megan, abeautiful pain in my ass.”

Megan’s smile was sort of savage, but shestill reached out and patted my cheek. “You would be lost without me.”

“If you say so,” I muttered and gaveOlive’s hand a squeeze.

She was already smiling at Megan and I washaving a hard time looking away from her lips. She gave my hand a tug, but Ididn’t see why I should have to let it go so I held on. When she turned thosegreen eyes on me with a small frown, I had to force my hand to let hers go.Immediately, she extended her hand to Megan and they shook hands, exchanging afew pleasantries.

“Okay, let’s sit down and have a chat,”Megan said as she took her seat behind her desk.

Olive chose to sit on the edge of her seat,her body giving off all kinds of stress signals: jumpy legs, cold hands, lipbiting…

Lip biting could be fun, though. I couldmake lip biting into a fun activity for her.

“I assume you’ve come to an agreement,”Megan interrupted my thoughts—and good thing she did.

“Yes,” Olive agreed and turned her eyes onme, waiting for an answer.

I smiled at her and stole a small one rightback from her.

“You should save the googly eyes for thepress. You don’t have to act around me, too.”

I could’ve killed Megan right then. Olive’sstartled gaze flew away from me, and I could hardly get her to look at me formore than a few seconds for the rest of the meeting, which wasn’t anythingexciting at all.