Page 65 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Dinner? Me? Like out, out?”

“Yes. I have something I want to talk toyou about and thought maybe we could go out and have a nice dinner together.Better than being cooped up in my house.”

“I don’t think you can ever feel cooped upin your house, Jason. If you do, there is something very wrong with you.” Hishouse was pretty much heaven on this earth, at least for me—especially when hewas in it, too.

He was smiling; I could hear it in hiswords when he spoke. “I’m glad you like my house, Olive. Even though I agreewith you, I think for this, I would like to take you out.”

“Should I be scared? Are you going to giveme bad news about the movie or something? Because it pretty much sounds like that,and I’m not a big fan of bad surprises.”

“Everything is going great with the movie.The filming starts in a few weeks. You’ll be at the set with me so you can seeit for yourself.”

At that, I sat up straighter. “I am? I’llbe on set with you?”

“I thought you’d want to see; was I wrong?”

“No. No. I would love nothing more than tobe there. If you can take me with you, I promise I won’t even bother you. Evenonce would be amazing.”

“We’ll talk about it more tonight atdinner, okay? You’re free?”

“Yes. Yes. Dinner. Tonight?” My schedulewas wide open for him. In any case, the only date I had was with my laptop. “Whereshould I come?”

“I’ll be there around seven o’clock. Youthink you can be ready?”

I lowered the phone and checked the time.It was almost five o’clock.

“Of course.”

“Great. I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”


Gah… Hewas my sweetheart.

“Yeah. See you later.”

Hanging up, I ran to Char’s room.

“He’s going to take me to the set!” Iannounced as soon as I threw open the door. She was on her phone, texting. “Oh,sorry. You busy?”

“No. No. Come in.” She waved me in andpushed the phone under her pillow. “So you’re going to the set. When?”

I walked in and sat at the edge of her bed.“He said the filming would start in a few weeks. God, it all feels so surreal,Char. I think I’m starting to freak out on the inside. It’s actually real andit’s actually happening.” I was already bouncing on the bed.

She smiled. “It definitely is real.”

“He said he wanted to talk to me aboutsomething so he’s taking me to dinner tonight. I should get ready. I have tohop in the shower first.” I rose up, but didn’t move. I wanted to ask for herhelp, but she’d been acting weird lately. One day cold, one day hot… I didn’tknow what to make of it, but thought it was the pressure of the last semester.

“When I get out can you help me picksomething to wear? I’ve been staring at my laptop the entire day, I feel like amess.”

“Of course. You go ahead and get into theshower. I’ll be in your room when you get out.”

“Thank you, Char,” I said and kissed her onthe cheek.

She smiled. “You don’t have time to getmushy. Go ahead.”

I skipped all the way to my room.
