Page 51 of To Love Jason Thorn

“It’s been what? A month? Two months? Youstill haven’t decided on a girl, Jason. I’m not asking you to make a lifelongcommitment here. Pick one so we can draw up a contract and move on from this.”

“I’m not marrying some bloodthirsty newactress who will be in this just to get more exposure. I’m not signing on tocarting her around to events and all this publicity crap. Marrying her will beenough torture on its own.”

She tilted her head. “Why exactly do youthink we’re doing this, Jason? It will be a win-win for both sides. Why elsewould they marry you?”


“In your case, you need the positiveexposure. You need to remind the public and frankly everyone in the movieindustry that you’re not just some exhibitionist and in fact a damn good actor.In her case, whomever you decide to marry, she’ll use you for her own gain,whatever that is. That’s how the game is played.”

I rubbed my forehead and leaned back in myseat. “I don’t like this, Megan. I don’t like it at all.”

“Look, Jason,” she started, leaning overher desk. “You’re an amazing actor. You have the potential to become one of thebests in this industry, but that’s not what the media is circulating any more.Have you read the tabloids lately?”

“You know I don’t touch those.”

“Yeah, you don’t, but people do.They love the gossip, they love to learn the dirty secrets of celebrities, andthey definitely love to tear them apart at their first mistake, and every timeafter that. Those facts will never change. Whether you like it or not doesn’tmatter. You’ve been in this game long enough to know the rules.” She stoppedand took another sip of her tea. I wanted to take that damn cup and throw it againstthe wall. “Do you know what they’ll read tomorrow?”

“What?” I snarled.

“A special interview with a college girlfrom Canada. Apparently, you two fucked all over the place in Toronto, and sheis giving the inside scoop on your relationship.” She raised an eyebrow,waiting for my answer.

Dumbfounded, I shook my head. “What collegegirl? What the hell are you talking about? I haven’t touched anyone since thealley incident.”

“That’s not what she is saying.”

“And now you’re going to believe thetabloids over me?”

“It doesn’t matter what I believe. Iknow you didn’t touch anyone because I’ve been in contact with Alvin.” My eyesnarrowed and she shrugged. “In order to protect you, I need to know what’shappening in your life before others can learn about it. So, yeah, of courseI’m keeping tabs on you. The point is, tomorrow everyone will eat up the story.It doesn’t even matter whether it’s true or not, or that there are no exclusivepictures attached to the interview this time around. Everyone will believe it simplybecause, well, it’s what you do.” Another shrug. “It’s the first thing thatpops into their minds when they hear the name Jason Thorn.”

“There are no exclusive pictures, blurry ornot, because nothing happened in Toronto.” I sighed. No matter what I said, Iknew I couldn’t win. “You’re giving me a damn headache, Megan.”

“I wish a headache was your only concern.Any publicity isn’t good publicity in your case, Jason. Denial can only work upto a certain point and they are not having what we’re serving them anymore. Youwant to be known for your work, not your personal life. That’s what you told mewhen you hired me, and you were right, because that’s the only way you’ll keepgetting the big roles. Otherwise you’ll just get lost in this circus because noone will be interested in having you on their team.”

“And marrying some girl will solve all ofmy problems.” I gave her a bitter laugh and rose from my seat. The sky wastinged with pink and soft orange hues while in there, in that office, my ownworld was filling with dark clouds.

“I didn’t say it will solve all yourproblems at once. It all depends on how you act after you’re married. You’regonna have to play the good husband role for quite some time. No stepping outon your wife either. I don’t care if you add a clause into the contract,agreeing to have sex just with each other, but you’re not going out there totake out your dick and keep doing what you’ve been doing.”

“I’m not having sex with anyone,” Igrowled.

She waved her hand, dismissing me. “Ofcourse, before all that happens we’ll have to make it look like you’ve beendating for a month or two before you get married. Leak some cozy photos of youtwo together. Then we’ll come up with a good story and you’ll elope orsomething.”

“A good story,” I repeated, running my handdown my face. “My entire fucking life is turning into a horror story.”

“Well, next time you’ll remember to keep itin your pants and we won’t be in this situation again.”

“Thanks for the advice,” I mocked.

“Go home, Jason,” she said wearily. “I haveto make a few phone calls and see who else I can add to your ‘future wife’pile.”

“Great,” I muttered, heading toward thedoor.

“I’ll be waiting for you at 4 o’clock,tomorrow. Don’t make me chase you. You have to choose someone so we can start shapingthe story. This isn’t something that can happen overnight.”

I headed out without saying another word.


Me: What are you up to?