“No one is around. It’s okay, Olive. Relax,I won’t embarrass you. I promise,” he said in a different tone.
My heart clenched. “It wasn’t that. I’msorry. Let’s introduce you then.”
Lucy was the first one to close her mouthand grin like a cat that was about to bathe in the cream.
“You must be Lucy, the one who is facing abloody death,” Jason said, giving her a sincere smile.
“Yep, that’s probably me.” Lucy had thatstarry look in her eyes when she finally shook Jason’s hand.
“This is Charlotte, and Marcus.” I tookover when Lucy finally let go of his hand.
“Nice to meet you guys,” Jason said.
When Lucy glanced at me questioningly, Isighed, “Jason had a meeting after mine, and they were running late, and thenhe was in my meeting so he recognized me and offered to drop me off.”
That short but to the point explanationwould only hold her off until we got into our apartment.
“You two know each other?” Marcus askedwith a confused frown on his face.
Marcus was a completely different matter.He was my roommate and my ex, and the more my book took off, the moreannoyed he got.
I felt Jason’s hand on the small of myback. It was a light touch, but it was enough to make my entire body buzz withexcitement.
Stupid, traitorous body.
“Jason was my brother’s best friend. He usedto practically live with us,” I said to Marcus.
“You never mentioned that.”
“I’m sorry? I didn’t think you would beinterested in knowing that.”
Lucy cut in. “Oh, shut up, Marcus. I knew,and frankly, that’s enough. Would you like to come up?” she asked Jason,softening her tone.
“I would love to, but I’m afraid it willhave to wait until next time.” Turning to me, he said, “Can I see your phone?”
“Why?” I asked suspiciously.
“I want to get Dylan’s number.”
Ah, right. Itwasn’t like he would want mine. Nodding, I took it out of my bag and handedit over.
“Olive.” Getting my attention, Char touchedmy arm. “I’m dying to hear what happened at the meeting and if you said yes,but I have to meet with my study group…” She glanced down at her watch. “Inhalf an hour. I’ll catch up with you when I get back, ok?”
“Sure, we’ll talk when you get back.”
Blowing us a quick kiss, she slipped away.
Before I could ask Jason why it was taking solong to get Dylan’s number, Marcus caught my eyes, shook his head, turnedaround, and left.
“What’s wrong with him?” I asked Lucy,making sure Jason couldn’t hear.
“Who knows? He is in one of his moods, Iguess. Don’t worry about him.”
Jason handed my phone back, our fingerstouching for a quick second.
Those old, childish butterflies I’d thoughtwere long gone? They all came back with a vengeance, which scared me more thananything that had happened that day.
“I put my own number in there and I wantyou to call me whenever you need anything, ok?”