My body was all stiff, but his handcaressing my arm slowly helped me relax and settle back into him.
He put his chin on my shoulder and eyed myphone where it sat next to my pillow. His hot breath was tickling my neck, but forthe most part I managed to stay still.
“The wind is kinda creepy, Olive.”
“I can change it to rain.”
Pressing his face deeper into my neck, hechuckled.
“Let’s hear that one.”
Quickly, I stopped the wind and changed itto ‘rain on roof’.
He hummed to himself for a few seconds thenapproved. “I like this combo much better.”
“There is waterfall or ocean, too.”
“No, keep the rain and your crackling fire.Do you remember how you used to sit by your window and listen to the rain withyour eyes closed?”
“Of course I do.” But how did he?
“You always had a smile on your face whenyou did that, your mind miles away. Your mom used to get so frustrated with youwhen you walked out in the rain without an umbrella. You got sick every singletime, but nothing could stop you.”
“Yeah,” I agreed in a thick voice. “And Iremember you trying to stall her whenever you saw me trying to sneak outwithout her noticing.”
“Well, it’s hard to trick your mom. It’s atwo-man job.”
We were silent for a while after that.
“I think the AC in my room is broken. Ididn’t see the need to call someone up just to check out what’s wrong when wehave another perfectly warm room.”
“So, we have to share the bed for anothernight. You can go back to sleep now.”
“I can still hear my heartbeat, Jason. I’mpretty sure I won’t be going back to sleep any time soon.”
“Let me see,” he whispered, and suddenlyhis hand was moving upward from my stomach toward my heart.
Carefully skipping my boobs—darn it!—hishand rested over my heart.
“Hmm, you’re right; I can feel yourheartbeat.”
I couldn’t speak. No words whatsoever.
He took a deep breath against my neck,causing my entire body to shiver, and said, “Go to sleep, Olive.” Then,finally, his hand moved away from my heart and went back to my stomach. Maybe aminute after that, his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.
Just like that.
I stayed awake for hours.
Engagedto a bad kisser?
Did you see the new photos of Hollywood’s mosttalked about couple? While they were photographed all over the city last weekand generally looked happy together, things seem to have taken a bad turn forOlive Taylor.
The new author and Hollywood’s heartthrobattended Jason Thorn’s latest movie premiere in London last night. While theyboth looked amazing together and stole their fans’ hearts by signing everythingthat was handed to them, it all changed when it was time to pose for thecameras.
For days now, rumors have been swirling that thenew couple is considering tying the knot after losing so many years thatcould’ve been spent together. In the second photo, you can clearly see thatMiss Taylor is proudly sporting a diamond ring on her finger. We are thinkingthe rumors are true! How many of you ladies would die to be in her place?