“Me?” I mouthed to him when he looked downat me.
He nodded, smiled, and handed me the book.Someone came to my side and handed me a pen. In a daze, I signed more thantwenty books.
Twenty freaking books!
When Megan appeared at our side to tellJason that we needed to keep moving, Jason grabbed my hand in his—which made everyonescream even louder—and we made our way across the carpet so the photographerscould take Jason’s photos.
There were so many flashes going off, somany people yelling Jason’s name—and my name.
I felt like I was in a dream, or maybe itwas a nightmare; I couldn’t decide.
When we were standing right in front of thecameras, Jason’s hand landed on my back and he pulled me closer to his front.Per Megan’s instructions, I lifted my hand to show off the ring and put it onJason’s stomach—a hard stomach that contracted at my touch, a stomach I hadeyed for a good amount of time, and maybe even touched once or twice while hewas sleeping the night before.
Just when all the flashes were about toblind me for eternity, one of them yelled, “Jason! A kiss! One with a kiss!
I tried so, so hard to not react, to notgrin like the Cheshire cat, but when Jason gazed down at me and I tilted myhead up to meet his eyes, I had the biggest smile on my face.
While everyone around us was still yelling,Jason’s hand touched my cheek and every single person around us disappeared forme. It was dead quiet in my mind. It was happening. I was seconds away fromkissing my dream guy.
I watched his lips descend as my hearttried to force its way out of my chest. My little butterflies were gettingready for the takeoff of their life.
But it didn’t happen like it had happenedin the dreams I’d had about Jason ever since I could remember. Not even close.
While I was waiting for the very best firstkiss in the history of first kisses, Jason only gave me a peck. A freaking peck!His lips pressed against mine for only two seconds, three tops.
I felt cheated.
And, well, since I’d dreamed about kissinghim for such a long time—such a long, long time—I had a hard time notshowing the disappointment I felt on my face. For a second there—a very quicksecond—I might have scrunched up my nose in distaste right after he pulled awayfrom me. Just as quickly, I put a smile on my lips and let him pull me away toanother station where he would be giving short interviews to numerous mediaoutlets.
Following Megan’s instructions, I stood backa little and did my best to keep a genuine smile on my face.
I couldn’t even fool myself into thinking hejust didn’t like PDA; the guy had been pictured in way worse situations. Icouldn’t even count how many photos I’d seen throughout the years where histongue was down the throat of some actress or model.
Evidently, he really did see me as nothingmore than a friend. Hell, even I could’ve done a much better job at kissing myfriend.
“You’re not smiling. Smile,” Megan warnedme from her spot next to me.
I showed her my teeth and she sighed,shaking her head.
When Jason was done with all theinterviews, the time came for him to join his costars for the group shots.
Close to the finish line, right? After themost disappointing kiss in history, what else could happen that would ruin abeautiful night even more than it already had been?
Jennifer Widner could happen, folks. Andshe actually did happen. She appeared out of nowhere and took her place next toJason and their other costars. She could’ve stood next to any of the others,but, nope, she chose Jason, and she put her hand on his chest just like I haddone minutes before.
Imagine my surprise when she caught my eyeand winked at me.
I was standing way off to the side so Icouldn’t see Jason’s face to tell if he had seen her wink. They posed for a tonof pictures and when Jason came back to my side, he still had his dimpled smileon his face.
Me? Not so much.
At the end of the night, after all thecraziness had ended, we made it to our hotel room in one piece. I bid Megan agood night and thanked her for all her help. Without her firm instructions, Iwould’ve looked like a fish out of water, at least more than I already had.
After Jason and I entered our suite and hemade sure to lock the door, I put a few paces between us and looked at him witha tired smile on my face. “It was a beautiful night, Jason. Thank you foreverything.” Not exactly sure what I should do, I put my hand on his arm,hesitated for a moment, and then leaned up to give him a soft kiss on hischeek.