Page 87 of To Love Jason Thorn

My eyes still closed, I took a deep breathand smiled to myself. I could feel the morning sun filtering through the openblinds, warming my skin. It felt good. The other thing that felt more than goodwas Olive’s scent in my room.

When I tried to lift my arm to stretch, Inoticed a heavy weight on it. Opening my eyes, I found my nose inches away fromOlive’s forehead.


At some point in my sleep, I had cradledher in my arms and her leg had somehow gotten thrown over me, pressing mymorning wood into my stomach. I tried to see if I could move away, but it onlymade matters worse. When Olive’s hips moved and her thigh pressed firmeragainst my dick, I couldn’t hold back my groan.

Shifting in place, she snuggled closer andburied her face in my throat.

Oh, fuck me for fuck’s sake!

With my free hand, I reached to grab herthigh and push it down, but my hand rested over…her bare skin? Before I couldstop myself, my hand crept up and my fingertips touched the side of herunderwear.

Sweet Jesus…

Had she been naked when she’d gotten in bedwith me? Was she crazy?

I tipped my head down and looked at herthrough my half-closed eyes. She still had her shirt on, but it was all bunchedup around her waist.

Dropping my head back on the pillow, Isighed and belatedly noticed that I had started massaging her thigh, rightunder her ass.

After stilling for a second, I pulled backmy hand quickly.

She made a soft, sweet noise in her sleepand tried to climb on top of me.

“Oh god,” I groaned quietly. I managed tohold her in place before she could climb up on my lap. When she suddenly pulledher leg away and turned to her other side, I sighed in relief. We weren’ttouching. Don’t get me wrong, her ass was still free of her shirt and if Idropped my eyes a little lower, I could find heaven, but I was able to restrainmyself.

I palmed my cock, and yeah, I had one hellof a morning wood I would have to take care of in the shower. Propping myselfon my elbow, I looked down at Olive and sighed.

She looked so innocent in her sleep, sobeautiful, and she was going to be my wife in just a few days.

Just to see if she would wake up, I touchedher arm with my fingertips and gently trailed them down to her wrist.


I made my way back up to her shoulder, butshe only burrowed deeper into her pillow.

Feeling like a proper creep, I decided toget up and take care of myself in the shower before I did something stupid. Noreason to play with fire.

Leaning down, I placed a small kiss on hertemple, and she released a soft moan.

A noise that my dick liked a little toomuch.

Bad idea, Jason. Worst fucking idea.

Rolling away from her, I jumped into the showerand took care of my wayward dick under the hot water.

Chapter Twenty-One


After spending almost the entire day on myown because Jason had things to do, we were now in a limousine with Megan,heading toward the theater where the screening for the premiere would take place.

“You remember everything I told you,Olive?” asked Megan after her talk with Jason was finally done.

It took a lot for me to not roll my eyes.“Yes, Megan. I’ll let Jason do most of the talking while I just smile and tryto look pretty next to him.” I held up a finger as if I’d just rememberedsomething. “Oh, sorry, I almost forgot—I’ll also make sure to somehow show offmy ring without appearing like I’m shoving it in everyone’s faces.”

Jason chuckled and extended me his hand,palm up. “We’re almost there, come on.”