So many things to say looking into thosecaptivating eyes.
“What do you mean?” she asked, her eyesnarrowing when I let her go and gently pushed her toward my room.
“The bed is big enough, Olive. You’ll sleepin my room with me.”
“Okay,” she replied, finally starting towalk.
“That’s it? No argument?”
“Well, I did get scared, and it was yourfan scaring the shit out of me after all, so the least you can do is sleep withme—to protect me of course, sooo…yeah, I’ll gladly sleep in your bed.” Shelooked at me over her shoulder, her eyes all innocent. “It’s not like you’lltouch me, right?”
Holding back my laugh, I shook my head. “Notouching, don’t worry.”
“Phew.” She whistled, pretending to swipeimaginary sweat from her forehead. “For a second there I was out of my mindwith worry. Let’s go to bed, then.” We stopped next to the bed, my hand barelytouching her back.
“Oh,” she said, fully turning to me as shestood between the bed and me.
There was a chance that I was standing alittle too close to her.
Her gaze dropped down to my chest and hereyes slightly widened as if she was just realizing there was a half-naked manright in front of her. When her eyes started to trail lower, my skin prickledand I had to fight with my body to not react to her beautiful wandering eyes. “I…Ishould take a shower first so I’ll just…” Her eyes jumped between my eyes andcollarbone. “I’ll head to the other room and grab…my things. I’ll be right back.”She patted my arm and ran away.
Chuckling, I got into bed.
Twenty minutes had passed when she finallyput her knee on the right side of the bed and climbed up next to me. There wastoo much space between our bodies for us to ever come in contact, but insteadof lying on the very edge of the bed like I was doing, she quietly got underthe covers and settled in the middle.
I tensed.
Maybe she just wanted to lay in the middleso we could share the covers without having to pull on them? Or maybe she was aturner, and to avoid tumbling down, she needed to fall asleep far away from theedge? Either way, I would stay on my side so it was okay.
Everything would be fine.
Another ten minutes passed and thanks toOlive’s tossing and turning, I was still wide awake.
Every single time she turned, moved, fluffedher pillow, or quietly sighed, my body got a reminder of her presence and ofcourse acted accordingly. Hell, even her breathing was starting to get to me.
Groaning, I turned to my right to see herback facing me.
“Jas—” she started to whisper, but beforeshe could finish my name, I reached out, splayed my hand on her stomach—thankgod she was at least wearing something—and pulled her back against my chest.
She gasped and her body stilled. For amoment, I didn’t know what I should do with my hand, but then I decided to restmy palm on the bed, still keeping my arm against her stomach, caging her in. Atleast this way she would stop tossing and turning and we would finally go tosleep.
“Jason? Are you sleeping?” she whispered,not turning her head.
“What do you think?” I muttered.
“Sorry. I can leave if you want—”
My chest still cushioning her back, Ipulled my hips a few inches back—just to make sure she wouldn’t feel anythingshe wasn’t supposed to feel—and gave her body a gentle tug with my arm.
“Go to sleep, Olive.”
“Oh, okay,” she murmured.
A few minutes later, just when I was aboutto fall asleep, she started to wiggle her bottom. The little minx managed torest her ass right above my dick. One wrong move and my already raging dickwould have been resting right against her round, shapely ass—not that I had spentmuch time looking at it…
While her breathing had deepened shortlyafter she’d made sure her ass was perfectly placed to torture me, it took mehours to fall asleep, battling with the urge to move forward, just a fewinches, just to let my dick cop a feel.