“What’s the problem, sir?”
“Someone managed to get into the room andhide in the closet. I suggest you take her out of here immediately or I’ll bepressing charges.”
“That’s impossible. Our security—”
I held up a hand. “I don’t have time to goover this with you. She obviously found her way in. Get her out of here, rightnow.” His eyes hardened and before he could move toward the room with the twoother men that were standing right behind him, the girl came running outside, stillin the same getup.
“You took him from me,” she cried as sheran toward the door. While I was thinking she was finally getting out, one wayor another, my eyes caught something in her clenched fists: a taser.
She was running toward Olive.
I growled Olive’s name, trying to warn heras my heart leaped to my throat. Before I could reach Olive where she wasstanding next to the open door or take out the fucking lunatic, one of thesecurity guys tackled the girl down on the hardwood floor and restrained herhands behind her back, forcefully prying the weapon out of her hands.
Once I reached Olive’s side, I was shakingjust as much as she was, if not more. Holding her face in my hands, I forcedher to meet my gaze. “You okay?”
Her mouth opened, but no words came out.She gave a small nod.
I buried her face in my chest and willed myheart to slow down.
She is okay. She is fine.
“Get her the fuck out of here,” Igrowled when the security guys seemed to be taking their sweet time with thewailing girl.
I pulled Olive as far away from the door aspossible. Her skin was cold under my touch.
“Sir, do you want us to—”
“Get out,” I roared, finally fed up. Thankfully,they obeyed.
Before the last one could close the door,Megan peered in through the small opening. “What the hell is going on here?What’s with all the yelling?” She looked over her shoulder. “Did someone try toget in?”
Letting go of Olive for a second, I walkedtoward the door and closed it on Megan’s face. I was in no condition to talk toher.
This time I was gentler when I held Olive’sface in my hands. She lifted her face and her eyes locked with mine. “I’m sosorry, Olive.” She had stiffened when I’d touched her again, but seemed to relaxas I slowly caressed her cheeks with my thumbs. I didn’t like the fact that herface was still pale, but she didn’t seem to shake any more.
She grabbed my forearms. “It wasn’t yourfault. I think I overreacted a little. It’s just…” Her eyes broke contact. “Whenthe closet door opened and I saw her reflection in the mirror…”
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart,” I saidgruffly. It was my own damn fault for not bringing my own bodyguard. “I’msorry, Olive,” I murmured again and pulled her against my chest.
A few seconds later, her arms tentativelyclosed around my waist and the tension quickly left my body.
“You took ten years off of my life,” Imuttered against her hair. I was holding her head in place, right over myheart.
“It’s okay, Jason. Calm down. I’m okay.”
Did she even know how much she had scaredme? “Don’t do that again,” I said, pulling away so I could look down at her.“Don’t ever stand around like that again.”
Her brows drew together, her coloring slowlycoming back to her face. “I was wait—”
“Don’t argue with me either. You should’vewaited in my room after security got here.”
Her frown deepened and I matched it with myown.
“You’re sleeping with me,” I announcedbefore she could get a word in.
That made her frown disappear completely asher pretty little mouth dropped open.
So many things to do with that mouth.