Page 84 of To Love Jason Thorn

“It’s Megan. We have a car waiting to takeus to dinner. Apparently she is joining us.”

Olive groaned and covered her eyes with herarm. “She is going to go over her game plan for tomorrow. We’re screwed.”


The dinner was exactly what Olive hadpredicted it would be: Megan giving each of us detailed instructions on what tosay, what not to say, etc. Toward the end, she focused completely on Olive andexplained what would happen at the premiere the next day. When neither Olivenor I could keep our eyes open any more, she agreed to end the night and we allreturned to our rooms.

I eyed the alarm clock on my left side andnoticed it had been only eleven minutes since I had left Olive alone on thebalcony after giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. It was the closest wehad gotten to a real kiss so far, always a forehead kiss, or sometimes an evenmore innocent cheek kiss. I’d already discovered that I preferred foreheadkisses over the cheek kisses. The way she looked at me after I gave her onealways undid something inside me, so I took what I could get.

Another minute passed. Was she stilltalking to her friends? It was the first night we’d be sleeping under the sameroof, and I was having trouble guiding my thoughts away from that fact.

Finally, I heard a door being clicked shut,then soft footsteps took her farther away from my room to her own bedroom. MaybeI should’ve found a suite with only one bedroom.

I took a deep breath and let it all out.

When I heard Olive’s ear-piercing scream, Iwas out of my bed and running for her in seconds. As soon as I hit the livingroom, she collided with my bare chest, knocking the air out of me.

“What is it?” I asked urgently, my heartracing in my chest. When she kept shaking in my arms, trying to catch herbreath, I gripped her elbows and pushed her away from my body. “What’s wrong?”

Her chest rising and falling rapidly, shemet my eyes. “Someone is in my room.” Her breath hitched. “The closet.”

Just as she finished her words, I heard asoft clatter coming from her room. I gripped her arm tighter. “Go to my room.Now. Call the hotel security.” She nodded sharply, but didn’t move. “Go,sweetheart. It’s gonna be okay,” I said, softening my tone. She ran withoutquestioning me further.

When I entered her room, I caught the faintsmell of Olive, the scent of her perfume: fresh apples and flowers. As I walkedfather in, a heavier smell clouded the one I was starting to recognize wheneverOlive was near.

“Hotel security is on their way. If youdon’t want to get in more trouble, you should come out of there.”

A slender blonde strolled out of thewalk-in closet at my words. She was wearing a black lingerie set that leftnothing to the imagination. I made sure to keep my eyes on her face and not aninch below that.

I balled my fists and took a deep breath.

“How did you get in?” I asked, trying sovery hard to keep the anger that was burning inside me out of my voice.

What if Olive hadn’t noticed thisperson’s presence in her room and this lunatic had managed to hurt her?

She shrugged and offered me a small smile.It wasn’t the first time some fan or stalker had paid a hotel employee to getinto my room, but having Olive here with me…

It changed things.

Her eyes roamed my naked chest and shefound the courage to take a step toward me as she licked her lips. I crossed myarms over my chest.

“I guessed you would bring her here withyou, but I wanted to give you options tonight. I’m game for a threesome, too,”she said.

I clenched my jaw and had to force myself tonot throw her out on her ass on the spot.

“Jason? Is everything okay?” Olive’s softlyspoken words came from right outside the room.

“It’s okay, Olive.” I raised my voice.“Open the door so security can get in here as fast as possible.”

Turning to the lunatic, I saw the shockedexpression on her face. “Perhaps you want to put on your clothes before morepeople see you like this.”

“But…but I love you,” she said, takinganother step forward. “Please, give me a chance. I really love you, Jason! I’vewatched every one of your movies a hundred times!”

I gritted my teeth and turned away from herto wait for security.

“I’ll do whatever you want, Jason. Just giveme one night, please,” she begged instead of putting clothes on. “I only want onechance. I’ll let you do anything you want to me. I don’t even care if you fuckme in front of a bunch of people. Whatever gets you off, I’m down with it.”

Hearing raised voices coming from outsidethe room, I walked out without glancing back at her. I was doing my damnedestto ignore her words. She was still begging me, her pleas becoming desperate.The head of the hotel security, Daniel…something, who I had met as we checkedin, reached me before I could get to them.