“Go back to bed, Olive. It’s late.”

“I was doing exactly that before youstopped me.” I lifted the water bottle in my hand so he could see. “I wentdownstairs to get a drink, Dylan. I wasn’t doing anything.”

Neither one of us backed up. Just becausehis friend was staying over, I couldn’t leave my room to get a drink?

“Leave her alone, man.” I heard Jason’svoice coming from behind Dylan.

“Goodnight, Dylan,” I said at last, thenslipped into my room without waiting for an answer. Who knew what was up hisass…

Jumping into my bed, I searched for thephone under my covers and had a small freak out when I couldn’t find it. Irelaxed when I realized it was under my pillow.

The silly excitement rushing over me onceagain, I checked the messages only to find no new text messages from Jason.

Settling down, I told myself that I wouldonly send one other text and then maybe try my luck in the morning beforeAmanda came to get the phone.

Me: What? No guesses? I’m surprised.

Jason: Sorry, I was busy. Which game were weplaying again?

Seeing my first opening, I couldn’t helpmyself and jumped on it. Would he mention me?

Me: Busy? Busy with what? Already found anew friend, huh? You really are quick.

Jason: You amuse me. I was cornered byDylan’s sister. Not exactly in the arms of another girl.

Not knowing my heart was about to getbroken for the very first time, I swallowed the pain the word ‘cornered’ hadcaused and forced myself to text him back.

Me: It’s almost 2 AM, and you were withDylan’s sister? This sounds good. Do tell me more.

Jason: She is just a little kid. A clingyone maybe, since she always follows me around, but still a kid. She sometimesforgets that. I’m much more interested in who you are. I’m ready to play. Areyou ready to be discovered by me?

I read the text a thousand times, or maybeit was a million. A tear escaped from the corner of my eye, and I drew thecovers over myself and lay back.

Gently, I put the phone down and pushed thecovers off of my face to stare at my dark ceiling. At some point it buzzed withtwo new messages, but I ignored them. No, that’s not true, I remember reachingfor the phone and deleting everything before the unexpected words could hurt meagain, but at that point it was all blurry for me. I couldn’t read them even ifI wanted to torture myself.



My heart broken into pieces, suddenly Icouldn’t bear to see Jason in the morning. Couldn’t bear to sleep in the roomacross from him again.

Swinging my legs down from the bed, Ididn’t realize I had kicked my own phone into my closet door.

Seconds later, Dylan burst into my room.

“Did you hea—Olive, what happened?”

Wiping at my tears, I looked up at mybrother and more fresh tears slid down my already wet cheeks.

When he sat down on my bed and gently puthis hand on my back, I threw my arms around him and hid my face in his neck.His arms came around me.

Warm and safe.

I heard footsteps at my door, but I was tooscared to lift my head and come face to face with Jason. I didn’t think I wouldever be able to look him in the eye again.

My breath hitching against Dylan’s neck, Isaid, “I’m sorry, just a bad dream.”

“It’s okay, little sis,” Dylan said. Hehesitated, then added, “I’m sorry, too.”