My eyes darted around and I saw a sternwoman standing behind the counter, staring at us.
I turned back to Olive. “We’ll leave in aminute. My car is parked just around the corner.”
“Jason, I look like crap.” She looked downat herself and touched her hair, which was in a messy bun on top of her head.To me she looked just as beautiful as she had the night before. “I just camehere to have lunch with the girls. Call me vain, but I don’t want to see myselfplastered everywhere like this.” She gestured to me, and added, “Especiallynext to you, not when you look like that.”
“Jason Thorn? Are you really Jason Thorn?”someone asked. I turned around to see who was talking to me.
“Oh, you are. You really are. Can I take aselfie with you? I just have to show this to my friends, they will neverbelieve me if I don’t have proof.”
I forced a smile on my face and nodded. “Ofcourse.”
I never turned down a fan who was askingfor an autograph or a picture. It wasn’t my thing, but at that moment, I wishedit was. I took the damn selfie with her face inches away from mine as shehugged me as if we’d known each other not merely for seconds but for months.
As soon as she left, five other peoplefound the courage to approach me and asked for autographs and pictures.
When I turned back, Olive had sat down andwas looking down at her closed laptop. I knew we needed to have a quick talkbefore more people swarmed us. At this rate, we were bound to have troubleleaving the place if everyone started posting that I was here.
I took Olive’s hand in mine and pulled herup.
“Where is the bathroom in this place?” Iasked as I grabbed her laptop with my free hand.
“There,” she pointed to a narrow hallway inthe back.
I dragged her behind me and made sure tolock the door to the tiny bathroom once we were inside.
“If we stay longer, more people will hearthat I’m here and we’ll have a real problem on our hands. We need to leaveright now.”
She nodded.
“But before we go out there, I have to askyou… I’m sorry, I don’t want to pressure you, Olive, but I need to know so Ican either—”
“Yes,” she interrupted me in a rushed butclear tone. “If you are talking about the…thing you asked yesterday. It’s yes.”
My heart sighed. Smiling at her, I relaxed.Her hand was still in mine so I squeezed it. “Yes?”
She nibbled on her bottom lip and myattention shifted from her bright eyes to her full pink lips. “Yes,” sherepeated a little softer.
I cleared my throat and forced my gaze awayfrom the danger that was her inviting lips. “So we are doing this?”
She smiled and nodded. “I think we are.”
My eyes still on her, I reached back, unlockedthe door, and was about to step out when she pulled me back. “Wait, give me thelaptop.” I had completely forgotten about it. I handed it over to her and shepushed it into her huge handbag. I went for her hand again, but she drew back.
“Just wait.”
We were gonna get stuck in the damn bathroom.
Reaching up, she took a small clip out ofher hair and it all came tumbling down around her face. Pushing her fingersthrough it, she gave it a few good shakes, and then looked up at me with apretty flush on her face.
I groaned. Damn it, now all I could thinkwas how it would feel to have her vibrant hair wrapped around my hand. Damn itall again—now with her sexy bed hair, she looked like she had just been fucked.By me. Which was the exact exclusion the paparazzi would come to.
“You shouldn’t have done that, little one.”
She glanced at the mirror. “Do I lookworse? This is all I got. I’m sorry.”
“All you got would probably kill me, so I’dsay this is more than enough. Come on, we need to leave.”
This time she was the one reaching for myhand.