“Yeah.” I cleared my throat. “She isbeautiful.” And she was all grown up, too, which was a dangerous combinationfor me.
“So far the only thing Megan has leaked tothe media is that you were childhood friends and you’re playing in the movieadaptation of her book. Everyone is running with their own version of thestory. If Olive says yes, you’ll have to be seen together a few more times andstart playing the happy couple in front of the cameras. Then we’ll leak the newsof the marriage after it’s all done.”
“Are you my publicist or my agent?”
“I seem to be doing everything for yoursorry ass these days.”
“Yeah, well hopefully they won’t be talkingabout me for much longer. I’m tired of reading my name and seeing my face inthe tabloids.”
Our waiter came by and picked up our emptyplates.
“Is there anything else I can get you?”
“I’m good, thank you.” I looked at Tom.“You?”
“I’ll have an espresso,” Tom said.
“Were you able to get in touch with JacksonMerritt?” I asked when Tom was sipping his espresso.
“You know you lost another contract afterthe interview with the Canadian girl. Your next year is wide open right now. Maybewe should consider the offers you’re currently getting instead of going afterthe directors and movies you want to be a part of. They are not bad offers.”
“Nothing happened with the damn Canadiangirl. How many times do I have to repeat myself?” I growled, getting theattention of people close to our table.
“Keep it down.”
“I worked hard to get where I am, Tom,” Isaid, lowering my voice. “Just because I messed up in my personal life doesn’tmean I’ll lay down and let everyone pull me to pieces. I’m damn good at my job.I’m getting married and keeping a low profile, aren’t I? If it’s not going tohelp my situation, why am I doing it?” I reclined in my seat and looked rightinto Tom’s eyes. “Since my schedule is open, I want to be in Jackson’s movie.Just a few months back, they were after me for the lead role and we had todecline because it was clashing with my schedule. Now it’s not. I want thatpart. Make it happen.”
“Easy there,” he said, pushing back hisespresso as he leaned toward me. “We still have time before we go after it withall we have. Let’s just see how everything settles down in a month or two. Ifthey don’t come on their own, then we’ll go after them. You used to trust me,Jason. That’s why we work well together. I won’t come to you with a role thatwon’t take you a step ahead of all the others, but you have to let me do myjob.” His eyes hardened on me. “We can’t let others see how all this crap isaffecting your career and you. Just keep it in your pants, get Olive to marryyou, and we’ll get you back on track.”
Tired of my own damn life, I rubbed myforehead and decided to listen to Tom.
My eyes fell to my phone when it startedvibrating on the table, Olive’s name flashing across the screen.
“It’s Olive,” I muttered to Tom, my eyes brieflymeeting his.
“O-kay. Why are you not answering?”
“What?” I looked up at him with a frown onmy face.
“The phone. Aren’t you gonna answer it?”
“I will,” I replied, but made no move toanswer it. Instead, I picked up the phone and glanced at Tom again. “What’shappening right now?”
He looked just as confused as I felt. “Youtell me, buddy.”
I thought about it for a second or two,then laughed. “Fuck me, but I think I’m actually afraid to hear her say no. I’mnot sure I’ll go through with this genius marriage plan of Megan’s and yours ifOlive isn’t in.”
The phone stopped vibrating in my hand.
When Tom laughed, it was a big, ‘heypeople, look at me, I’m having the time of my life’ laugh. The bastard!
“You like her, don’t you? You actually like,like her.”
He was starting to get on my nerves. “Ofcourse I like her. She’s always been important to me.”
He lifted both his hands up, his laughdying down to a chuckle. “I should’ve known… You didn’t even put up a fightwhen her name came up, not like you did with all those other girls. You son ofa bitch. Oh, this is going to be fun to watch.”
“Shut up,” I snarled at him.