“Great to hear. I’ll just go and try tocalm down in my room.”
“I’m still gonna make a list of what youcan do to him. Just in case you need it. There is this thing I do to Jamesonthat makes him extra, extra horn—”
“Okay, love you. Have a great night.”
Leaving Lucy’s room as quietly as possible,I lay down on my bed and watched the ceiling for hours before I finally fellasleep with a small smile etched on my face.
Themystery beauty is not a mystery anymore!
Ahhh, sorry ladies, looks like our very own sex godJason Thorn is out of the sex pool for now.
You remember the mystery beauty he was caughtwith recently? She is not a mystery any more. We’ve learned that the strawberryblonde is Olive Taylor, a childhood friend of Jason who is also the author ofthe new New York Times Best Seller that is being adapted for the silver screen.Can you guess who the leading actor is? You guessed right! Jason Thorn will betaking on the role of Isaac, a troubled actor who reconnects with his first andonly love who he left behind years before. Do you think Miss Taylor wrote thebook to get her old friend’s attention? If so, it definitely seems to beworking for her. After claiming the number one spot on every bestseller list,is she laying claim to our bad boy, too?
The couple, who have been the talk of the townthis last week, were spotted at the exclusive hotspot, Soho House. According toour source, the pair had a lovely dinner together in the main dining area. “Theywere talking to each other with their eyes, and they were absolutely beamingwith happiness. They were definitely on a date,” the source adds. “There is noway they are just friends. Their interaction was intense.”
The hunky star left Miss Taylor’s side onlyonce, and that was to greet a group of business associates who were havingdinner just a few tables away from them. The romantic outing ended early whenJason decided he couldn’t wait to finish his dinner, grabbed the bestsellingauthor by her hand, and ran for the exit.
“It was the most romantic thing I’ve ever seenin my life. One minute they were smiling at each other, sipping theircocktails, the next minute they were hand in hand running for the exit,”another onlooker said.
You think Jason is in love with his childhoodfriend? The people who watched their every move on the hot date seem to thinkso.
Do you think he’ll keep her? Will she be the popto his sexy corn?
Chapter Eighteen
“The damn bastards are quick,” I said afterreading the article they had on us. I put the tablet on the table, next to myempty lunch plate. “The thing is, I have no idea who these onlookers are who watchedyesterday. The way they are describing things…the only true thing on there isthat I only left her side once. The rest is complete bullshit. We barely said aword to each other the entire meal.” I shook my head and reached for the Frenchfries on Tom’s plate.
“The way they are telling the story worksfor you so I’d say stop complaining.”
Licking the salt on my thumb, I keptsilent. I had made a fool of myself in front of Olive the night before. I’dthought I would breach the subject while we were having dinner, but for somereason it seemed wrong to ask Olive to marry me as if we were out on a businessmeeting. In the end I’d still fucked it all up, but at least we’d been alonewhen it happened. It wasn’t like it would have made a difference if I’d gottendown on one knee and asked her to marry me to save my career. There was no goodway to ask someone to marry you so they could help you get out of the grave you’ddug yourself into.
Speaking of that, I still hadn’t heard backfrom Olive.
“She hasn’t answered yet. Don’t get tooexcited.”
“It’ll be a huge boost to her writingcareer. She’d be a fool not to say yes. It’ll change her life more than it’llchange yours,” Tom interjected.
“She is not like all these women you know,”I said, gesturing around the café.
“All these women?”
“You know, the women in this industry, orthe models you seem to enjoy every now and then.”
He raised his eyebrows. “And can I ask whatmakes her so different?”
I shrugged. “She is Olive. I know her. Ifshe accepts—and that is a big if—it’ll most likely be because she wants to helpme. I think she is also half in love with my house, so that’s definitely a pluson my side.”
Tom snickered and shook his head. “You’re ablind son of a bitch.”
Frowning, I asked, “What the hell is thatsupposed to mean?”
He sighed and held his hand up. “Nothing.Don’t get all worked up on me, but I have to say, you’re also a lucky son of abitch.”
“I’ll ask again, what do you mean?”
“I mean your Olive is not exactlyhard on the eyes, is she? Even when you are screwed you luck out.”