When Jason came inside, I was ready to leavebefore I did something stupid.
I was going crazy.
Chapter Seventeen
The moment I was in my apartment, I walkedstraight into Lucy’s room. My hands were already covering my eyes when I said,“For the love of all the cute puppies out in the whole world, if there are anypenises dangling, tuck them away.”
I heard Lucy’s laugh. “I’m alone, youdork.”
Dropping my hands down, I closed her doorand leaned back against it. Lucy straightened up in her bed and put down herlaptop. “What happened? You never answered my texts.”
I took a deep breath and then slowly let itgo.
“Jason asked me if I would like to marryhim.”
Lucy stared at me unblinkingly.
Lifting my hand, I looked at it and then upto Lucy again. “My hands are shaking.”
“Excuse me?”
“My hands are shaking,” I repeated.
“Not that. Could you repeat what you saidbefore that? I don’t think I got that.”
“He asked me if I would marry him.”
“Okay. Am I dreaming or are you really in myroom, telling me that Jason Thorn proposed to you?”
I covered my face with my hands andgroaned.
“Could you come here for a second?” Lucyasked calmly.
After a few steps, I was sitting rightbeside her. Reaching out, she pinched my leg.
“I already tried that on my way over. Not adream.”
“Holy shit!” she breathed out, covering hermouth with her hands. “Holy shit, woman! Did you put a spell on him orsomething? Damn but you’re fast.”
“Lucy, I need you to listen to me veryclosely, can you do that for me?”
“Sure, I believe I’m capable of hearingwhat you are about to say. By the way, I’m very impressed and equally shockedright now, if you couldn’t tell.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you’ll be thatimpressed after you hear the whole story.”
Hugging her pillow to her stomach, shemotioned for me to go on.
“Apparently the alley—”
“No, wait!” She pressed her finger againstmy lips and jumped down from her bed. “I’m gonna get the tequila I hid in thekitchen. We need shots to celebrate.”
“We are not celebrating anything, Lucy!” Ihissed behind her back, but she was already gone.
When she came back she was holding two shotglasses and a half full tequila bottle. She handed me the shot glasses andpoured the tequila.
“We’re not celebrating,” I said again.