Did he really not see how I felt about him?Not even a little?
“I’m not sure if I’m capable of thinkingright now, Jason,” I admitted.
“You’ll be saving me, Olive.”
But what would happen to me in the process?That was the real question. My heart was willing to go along with what he wasproposing; after all, there was no way I could attend his wedding knowing itcould’ve been me up there standing right next to him—even if it was a lie. Butmy mind wasn’t thinking any of that; it was giving out all kinds of warningsigns.
“Can I think about it?”
“Of course,” he said, letting my hands go.
I was cold. Very cold.
Not knowing what to do with myself, Ihugged my elbows and looked down at my feet.
His finger tilted my chin up and he duckedlow to capture my eyes, so I gave them to him. He was smiling then, his eyeskind. “It’s okay if you don’t want to say yes, little one. It’s not something Ithought I would do this year either.”
Was he getting closer to me? Involuntarily—yeah,no, it was very much voluntarily—I took a step forward to close the distancebetween us. His eyes were my beacon.
What did he see in my eyes?
His gaze dropped to my neck. He lifted hishand and his fingertips touched the arch of my neck. I stopped breathing andswallowed. His gaze jumped up to mine as if the motion startled him. Then hisfingertips trailed up and around my neck and tangled in my hair, his gentle,unexpected touch causing my body to tremble.
My eyes fell closed and I breathed in hisscent.
He was standing so close to me.
To my heart.
His thumb caressed my cheekbones and Itilted my head into his touch.
“Olive,” he whispered.
That voice…
I shivered, got wet… My body did all kindsof things that always happen in romance novels.
He was going to freaking kiss me!
If it happens, don’t freak out, Olive.
You’re a calm waterfall, a purring fuckingcat.
At first, he rested his forehead againstmine and we just stood like that for a moment, breathing each other in.
Gently. Slowly.
His nose touched mine.
Then, nothing. Absolutely NOTHING! Hisphone started ringing and his hands stiffened against my suddenly heated skin.For a moment there, it had felt like he was right there with me and there wasno one else in the world other than us—but then, nothing.
His damn phone was a cock blocker afterall.
His eyes still focused on me, he took a fewsteps back, answered his phone, and only then broke the eye contact. Had hiseyes darkened? Was I starting to see things?
I lifted my fingers to touch my lips. Howcould I feel like his lips had caressed mine even though he hadn’t even touchedme?
I walked back inside to where I had left myclutch and picked it up.