Could he have a girlfriend?
I was sure he didn’t have one. Neither didDylan actually, not since he’d broken up with his on-again, off-againgirlfriend Vicky.
“Don’t worry, little one, it’s not a horrormovie or anything. It’s action, you’ll like it,” Jason whispered into my earbefore Dylan took his seat again.
Hearing him use the pet name he’d alwaysliked to call me, I managed to put a sincere smile on my face when I looked upat him.
“Thank you. You guys can leave after themovie, you know. I won’t tell Mom and Dad when they come back tomorrow.”
“Are you kidding? I was looking forward toa quiet night in. Pizza and a movie with a beautiful green-eyed girl by myside?” He gave me a light shove with his shoulder. “Your brother is the stupidone, not me.”
Dylan turned off the lights and hopped backonto his seat. Luckily this time I was melting into another puddle on mymother’s not-so-favorite couch. I stayed that way until the end of the moviebecause Jason’s shoulder stayed plastered to mine the entire time.
About to die from sensory overload, I stillhad a stupid smile on my face as I headed to my room for the night.
Let the texting begin…
Around 1:30 AM, huddled under my covers, Ilistened to Dylan’s bedroom door open and close for the second time. The TV inhis bedroom was on, but their voices were low. Either they didn’t want to wakeme up or they were about to go to sleep, though I highly doubted that was thecase.
Reaching for the phone under my pillow, Itried to get a handle on my breathing and erratic heartbeats.
As much as I was dying to text Jason, I wasalso scared out of my mind.
My fingers as cold as ice, I quickly sentthe first text of the night.
Me: Hi Jason.
Original, I know.
I waited to see if I would hear his phonego off, but I couldn’t hear anything. My heart in my throat, I sat up in bedand dropped my head back on the headboard. Maybe Amanda was right. Maybe, thiswasn’t the best idea I’d ever come up with…
Jason: Who is this?
There might have been a squeak that escapedfrom my mouth when the phone lit up in my hand without a sound. In the darknessof my room, an unexplainable rush going through my body, I started talking toJason as a stranger.
Me: I don’t think you’d know even if I saidmy name.
Jason: We can’t know if you don’t try me.
Me: My name is Michelle. We go to the same school.
Jason: Hmm… You’re right. I don’t think Iknow a Michelle.
Me: Can’t exactly say I’m surprised.
Jason: And why would that be, my new friendMichelle?
Already lost in a different world, myfingers stopped flying over the buttons when I heard Dylan’s door open andclose quietly. Not knowing whether it was my brother or Jason, I hid the phoneunder the covers so the light wouldn’t draw attention.
Me: There are always so many people aroundyou. Doesn’t give many opportunities for new people to introduce themselves, Iguess. But then again, maybe you already know me.
Jason: That’s interesting. Our friendship isso new, Michelle who is not really Michelle, and you’re already lying to me?
Me: I wouldn’t say it’s lying. Let’s say I’mone of your many admirers and a little shy one at that. Just wanted to talk toyou.
Jason: Let’s play your game. What would youlike to talk about?