Page 50 of To Love Jason Thorn

“You aren’t supposed to wear stuff likethat.”

“Says who? I’m sure you must’ve seen muchbetter stuff than this.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “Just give me thedamn shirt, Jason,” I said impatiently. “It wasn’t my intention to disgust youor embarrass you or whatever it is happening right now.”

“Disgust me?” His eyes shot back to my eyes.“Olive,” he said, taking a step toward me.

I cut him off before he could tell mesomething brotherly and piss me off, or—even worse—break my heart even more.

“Jason, there are people around. Pleasegive me the shirt so I can cover myself.”

His jaw ticked, but he handed me his shirt,and I quickly pulled it over my head.

“Thank you.”

He took yet another step and I plastered myback against the SUV behind me. He lifted the shirt up, just a little. Thistime I didn’t slap his hand away. He’d already seen more of me than I’d been readyto show him.

He gently touched my stomach, then started runningthe back of his knuckles over my slightly irritated skin.

That thing that resides in your chest? Tookwings and flew away.

The other thing that was in my skull? Turnedto complete mush.

I sucked in a breath, my heartbeat suddenlyslowing down to the point where I wasn’t sure if I was still alive or hadstepped into heaven. When I lifted my head up, he was staring down at me—rightinto my eyes.

By then I was the perfect example of one ofthose ‘My body is ready’ gifs.

“It doesn’t look as bad as your…chest area,”he said, softly dropping the shirt over his hand.

He didn’t back away.

I didn’t look away.

His hand was still in there.

On my stomach.

Under my shirt.

Then he sighed and pulled it away. SuddenlyI could breathe again.

Instead of begging him to take me rightagainst the car like I desperately wanted to, I said, “I’ll be okay. I’ll putsomething on when I get home. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

He wasn’t happy, but he opened his car doorand helped me get in.

Jason Thorn, my childhood crush and nowmovie star, had touched my stomach, gently, and I wasn’t hyperventilating.


Maybe I was getting the hang of this obsession/lovething.

Chapter Thirteen


It had been one hour since I’d droppedOlive off and I was once again sitting in Megan’s office, working on damagecontrol. So far, I’d looked through twelve headshots, recognizing some of thegirls while having no idea who the others were. The one thing I knew forcertain: I didn’t want any of them.

“I’m starting to doubt your PR skills,Megan,” I said after dropping the photographs back on her desk.

She stared at me blankly as she took a sipof her green tea and slowly put it down on her desk.