Page 48 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Jason!” I gasped, a little belatedly. Hishand was still around my wrist, but his touch was gentle.

Keith appeared calm, but upon hearingJason’s tone, he raised his brows.

“Jason,” I said, tugging at his arm, tryingto get his attention. “There is coffee all over me, he was trying to help.”

“It is smoothie, Olive,” Keith said lookingat me with a small smile.

Hot smoothie?!


“By groping your breasts?” Jason growled. Helooked down at me with his flushed face and I frowned up at him.

“Jesus,” he exclaimed when he finallydropped his eyes enough to get a look at me. “Jesus!” he repeated. Looking intomy eyes, he asked, “Are you okay, little one?”

“I’ll be fine.” I looked at Keith over hisshoulder and decided an apology was in order.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I wasgoing. Thank you for your help.” I looked at Jason, lifted my arm, and eyed mywrist that was still in his grasp. “If you can let me go, I’ll just leave.”

He didn’t let me go, but at least his facewasn’t flushed with anger any more.

Glancing at Keith, he said, “Sorry, man.When I saw you two…I assumed wrong.”

“Understandable. She is your friend.”

Jason’s mouth tightened.

What in the world is going on?

“I hope we’ll see each other soon, MissTaylor,” Keith said to me and walked away from us.

Jason dropped my wrist and gently brushedthe hair that had fallen over my shoulders away from my chest.

“We’re going to the emergency room.”

“No, we’re not. What’s wrong with you?” Iasked, genuinely curious. “He was helping me. What did you think he could bedoing out in the open like this?”

He had the decency to look away.

“How can I help?” he asked instead.

I sighed. “You should go back in there,Jason. I was leaving anyway.” Again, I peeled the shirt away from my skin. Ifanother Uber was close by, maybe I could make it back to the apartment withoutbeing seen by too many people.

“We’re done with the reading.” He put hishand on my back and urged me forward. “Let’s go. I should have an extra shirtin my car. We’ll look at the damage as you change and then decide if we’regoing to the emergency room or not.”

“Fine, Mom,” I mumbled, and he gave me adark look.

“Your car really looks adorable from thefront,” I said, once we reached the parking lot.

“It’s a Venom GT Spyder, Olive. It’s notan adorable car.”

I shrugged behind his back. To me, the eyesand the small mouth looked adorable.

Unlocking the doors, he leaned in andreached for something behind his seat.

A gray t-shirt.

“Take off your shirt,” he said,straightening up and turning to me.