Jason kissed her nose, her eyes, and then drewback a few inches, his hands still holding her face. “Say you still love me,Evie. Give me the words.”
She stood up on her tiptoes and whisperedher love for him against his lips. Then they were going at each other as if theworld was ending.
Well, mine kinda ended anyway. I wassupposed to watch this take place in front of my eyes two more times with twodifferent actresses? What in the world had I been thinking when I’d told JasonI would love to come along?
Someone say cut, goddamn it!
Then it was over and they parted. Bryanthanked them and asked for another take from a different angle. I refused towatch it for the second time. Seeing the same scene in a movie set would be adifferent story, but in here, with only a few people around…it looked intimate,real. Each and every one of us was an outsider, intruding upon their moment.
Finally, Bryan was happy with what he got,and after thanking Claudia, they sent her away.
I watched the same thing happen with twoother beautiful, very well known, very talented actresses. The third one,Lindsay Dunlop, pretty much blew it out of the park. Bryan asked her to dothree different scenes with Jason. At the end of it all, they had their Evie, andLindsay was smiling just as big as Jason.
Even though I wasn’t being specificallyignored or anything, I was still sticking out like a sore thumb sitting in thecorner like that. I had a feeling I was just there because Jason Thorn hadbrought me in. They didn’t care that I was the author at all.
Feeling overwhelmed with the kisses, theacting, the words…I sneaked out of the room—not that I needed to sneak out. Noone gave a damn about what I was doing.
I was digging into my bag looking for myphone when someone came around the corner and collided with me. I stumbledback.
A second of shock, then I yelped in pain.
I glanced down at my front and saw that myentire shirt was soaked with some kind of green liquid. It smelled like coffee,but it was green.
Scaldinggreen liquid.
“Jesus! Are you okay?” someone asked.
“Oh, shit! Shit! Shit!” My eyes burningwith tears, I dropped my bag onto the carpeted floor. Peeling the shirt away, Istarted to blow on my skin to find some relief.
Some girl came running to the guy’s side.
“Sir, is everyth—”
“Go get me something to clean her up with,”the guy snapped at the girl.
“Olive Taylor?” He softened his voice forme.
Hearing my name, I looked up and saw Keith,the exec with the bleached teeth, hovering over me.
“Oh. Hello,” I said, my lower lip slightlytrembling. I peeked into my shirt and realized my chest was already red.
The girl reappeared next to us and handed Keitha wet towel.
“Let me,” Keith murmured, taking a steptoward me.
I was in too much pain to decline his help,so I pushed my hair out of the way and let him gently press the cold towel ontomy skin.
“Thank you,” I murmured. “That feelsgreat.”
He met my eyes and gave me an apologeticsmile. He was probably in his mid thirties, but for his age, he looked good—minusthe teeth situation. When he slowly reached the swell of my breasts, Iswallowed and looked away.
Maybe a wet towel wasn’t the best solution,but it was working. For now. I still had to lose the shirt somehow. It was completelysoaked through and right then competing in a wet t-shirt contest was not on myto-do list.
Just as he opened his mouth to saysomething, someone grabbed my wrist and I was wrenched away from Keith. My headjerked up and I saw Jason pushing me behind his back, glaring daggers at Keith.
“What the hell do you think you’re doingtouching her?”