Page 45 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Something is wrong in this apartmenttoday,” I announced.

My phone pinged.

Thank god!

“My Uber is here. I’m leaving.”

“But I just got here!” Lucy whined. “Youdidn’t even hear what Jameson did to me today.” She widened her eyes at me. “Inan empty classroom!”

“He rocked your world?” I asked, raising aneyebrow.

She gave me a wolfish grin. “That he did.”

“See, I’m all caught up now. Text me whenwe’re leaving for karaoke night, and I’ll get back here to get ready.”

I grabbed my purse and walked out the door,not meeting Marcus’ eyes.


Finally reaching the building where theauditions were being held, I got out of my Uber and stood there to stare at thebuilding for a moment. Was I excited because I was about to see my characterscome to life? Or was I excited because I’d get to spend some time with Jasonagain?


I turned around to see Jason getting out ofhis car. The way he stepped out and closed the door of that ridiculously sexycar of his…then, as if in slow motion, put his Ray-Bans on…


Mini orgasm attack.

Then he got closer and closer, and I got aneven better look at my dimple—mine, because I was staking my claim on that damnthing. After all, I’d seen it before all of his loving fans. First come, firstserved, right?

“Hi,” I managed to sputter when he reachedme.

“Hi to you too.”

We just stood there and stared at eachother for a moment, his smile getting goofier.

Should I hug him? Could I hug him?Was that even allowed? Why was I so weird?

Finally, he laughed and said, “Come here.” Hegave me a sideways hug and looked down at me. “I might have missed you a bitmore than you missed me, little one. It’s good to see you.”

Not the best thing he could’ve said, butthen again I’d take anything that came out of his mouth when he was hugging me.

With my head tilted back, I looked up at him.Reaching up, I lifted his sunglasses and finally looked into his eyes.

“Nice to see you, too, Mr. Jason Thorn.”

Laughing, he kissed my temple. Had his lipslingered for more than two seconds, or was it just me? Did those two extraseconds mean something? Why go for the forehead and not the cheek? Did it havea different meaning?

Different meaning or not, my heart gave ahappy sigh and the butterflies pretty much fainted from all the excitementJason was giving them. I closed my eyes and savored the moment.

After we reached the floor where thecasting crew was situated, he took his time to introduce me to everyone. Thewhole setup had a relaxed vibe, nothing scary at all. The casting director, Bryan,his assistant, and a cameraman to tape the auditions were the only ones leftbehind, and Jason seemed to know them all.

“I’m not late, am I?” Jason asked aftershaking hands with everyone.

His eyes on the papers in front of him, thecasting director waved his hand over his head. “Just on time, as always. Haveyou looked through the script we have ready?”

The script is ready?!