Page 41 of To Love Jason Thorn

“You’re right, it doesn’t. But what do theycare? Olive signing the contract means nothing at this point. It is just anoption. You know how these things work; let enough time pass and the rightswill revert to her.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Megan riseup and get on her computer.

“They only reached out to Olive Taylorbecause I told them that I would get you on board. You’ve read the book. I knowyou’ve read the book. Think about it for a second. It’s almost as if it waswritten for you. Why would they want someone else when you are the perfect fit?”

Turning around, I faced him again. “Whatthe hell are you talking about?”

“Sometimes you can be so stupid,” he said,groaning. He approached me as if he was nearing a dangerous animal. “You saidyou were childhood friends with Olive, right?”

I nodded curtly. “I practically grew up inthe same house with her. Her brother was my best friend.”

“Yeah, well, I believe her inspiration forIsaac was you.”


“Why the hell not?”

“I don’t do drugs, I never did. You knowthis. And Genevieve is Isaac’s friend. They never live in the same house. Olivewas…” Even though she had been my friend, I couldn’t quite say it. “Olive wasmy friend’s sister. It’s different.”

He rolled his eyes. “So what? She is awriter. She uses her imagination. That version of you does drugs. This versionof you fucks everything that moves. In public. That version of you is herfriend. This version of you was her brother’s friend. It’s the same fuckingthing! The movie isn’t about drugs. It’s about Isaac and Genevieve. Maybe shewanted to write a happy ending for the boy she was in love with when she was akid. What the hell do I know?” Taking a breath, he lowered his voice. “All I’msaying is, the execs wanted you because you were perfect for the role:Hollywood’s troubled boy finally falling in love on the screen. Isaac is astrong character; he would’ve changed things around for you. Opened up newvenues. I wanted you in this project because it was going to help your image inthe public’s eye if it was done right. You might see it as just another movie,but the viewers would’ve seen more than that. In the end, they would’ve leftthe theater thinking about all the heartache you’d gone through. Finally, theywould’ve seen a different side of you, someone who is capable of love.”

“Now you’re just trying to piss me off.”

“You think so? Show me one stablerelationship you’ve had in the last few years.”

I ran my hand through my hair and picked upthe pacing where Tom had left off.

“It doesn’t mean I’m not capable of love,Tom. For Christ’s sake, why are we even talking about this? I’m just notlooking for anything serious, especially not with someone who is in thisindustry. And don’t talk to me as if you don’t know my schedule. I don’t havetime for a serious relationship. It isn’t as if I never had any love interestsin the movies I’ve been in.”

“Don’t give me that. You’ve never been in arelationship with this intensity—on screen. Sleeping with your costar while youare running away from bullets and bombs doesn’t count.”

Megan waved her hand at us and her voicestopped whatever Tom was about spew. “I think you guys need to see this.”

I reached her side right after Tom did. Therewas a video on the screen. She clicked play.

We were all silent as we watched the forty-secondvideo.

“That’s it?” I asked once it stopped beforeeither of them could start up again.

Megan spun in her chair to face me. Thefire in her eyes was visible from that close. “That’s it? That’s what you haveto say?”

“It’s a fucking forty-second video somecreep took with his phone’s camera. What do you want me to say?”

“So,” she started, linking her hands in herlap. “What you’re saying is, no one will understand that this is you”—sheglanced back at the screen—“clearly fucking Jennifer Widner’s brains out?Because my eyes are working perfectly fine, Jason, and I can see your hipspumping into her while her dress is scrunched up around her waist. I can almostmake out your dick going into her.” I winced—not exactly what you want to hearcoming out of your publicist’s mouth. “Or are you telling me you were just dryhumping her out in the alley? Because if you are about to suggest we tell themedia that, I’ll have to inform you that it won’t work because we can clearlysee the condom you are throwing away when you realize there are paps around.Which is exactly when our little camera man zooms in on your face and then thefucking CONDOM you filled.”

I flinched and got back to my seat withoutmaking any further comment.

“Do we know if there is more to the videothan that?” I heard Tom ask Megan.

“It doesn’t say. Thankfully, there is nosound.”

“I’m not paying him,” I said from where Iwas sitting, interrupting them. I looked away from their blank stares. “I’msorry. I won’t do it. He can sell it to whoever he wants. I won’t make him rich.For all I know, he will just forward it to everyone after he gets his money.”

Tom walked toward me and sat down. “Look,Jason. This isn’t a joke. This will ruin you. If this had been the only thing,you would’ve been fine. Hell, we would be laughing about it. But the pictureswith Zoey in your car and everything else before that… They won’t let this onego that easily, not when they have proof like that.”

Leaning back, I looked at Megan. “You havethe best team in Hollywood. Do something. Hell, find me a good girl to date,someone to go grocery shopping with at Whole Foods hand in hand every now andthen. Divert their attention from this. Jason Thorn dating someone would bemore of a shocking story than a blurry sex tape,” I added with disgust.

“Do you think everyone is stupid and won’tsee through the publicity stunt?” Tom asked, getting all worked up again.“Every idiot is getting into a fake relationship these days. No one will buy itwith you.” His eyes flicked toward Megan, who was staring at me silently.“Aren’t you going to say something?”