Page 39 of To Love Jason Thorn

When we were finally done with everything,Tom left, and I found myself alone with Jason again.

“They actually want my book, Jason,” Isaid, hugging my knees as I sat on the fancy couch.

“They had you in their offices, littleone,” he reminded me as he came to sit next to me. “Of course they want yourbook. Did you have any doubt?”

“Yeah. I think up until this moment, Ididn’t take them seriously.”

“And now? How do you feel?”

Resting my temple on my knees, I looked athim through blurry eyes. I was having trouble containing my smile. “You’reprobably going to freak out, but I might start crying at any moment now.”

I could already feel my nose tingling.

He stood up and offered me his hand. “Comeon, I’ll give you a big hug. If you are going to cry, well, you deserve to havea hug while you cry.”

Can I swoon? And maybe take him downwith me so we could do some naughty things?

Smiling through my tears, I took his hand.As soon as I was on my feet, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. Mytoes were barely touching the floor.

I had worked so hard and for so long onthat book. My heart was in every page of it. My secrets, my dreams, my tears.It had taken a lot of time for me to be happy with every single sentence that I’dwritten.

And now that same book had brought me toJason’s arms.

Swallowing, I leaned back and lookedstraight into those warm brown eyes. The same eyes I’d stolen glances at acrossthe dinner table when I was old enough to know I was irrevocably in love withmy brother’s friend. Those same eyes I’d shyly met when he was only a kid.Those eyes I’d watched on the big screen for years, longing after something I’dnever had, missing something only he could make me feel.

Feeling happier than I’d ever felt in mylife, I smiled. “My story will be on the big screen.”

“It will, little one.” He smiled back, hisdark brown eyes holding my gaze. The day after, I would obsess about how longhe had looked into my eyes, but at that moment…I chose not to question everyunexpected little glance, every extra second of eye contact.

“Thank you so much, Jason. For everything,thank you so much.”

“I didn’t do anything, sweetheart. This isall you.”

“The book, yes, but this.” I gestured tothe copy of the contract I would be signing if the studio accepted the changeswe wanted. “This I would’ve screwed up if I had to do it all by myself.”

“We both know that you’d have beenperfectly fine, Olive.”

There was a slight hesitation on his part,but when he pressed another precious kiss on my forehead, I closed my eyes and heldon to him tighter, certain I would have trouble letting him go this time around.

Chapter Eleven


“Okay guys, we need to make this quick. I’mgoing straight to the airport after this is done,” I said as soon as I enteredmy publicist’s office. Alvin was right behind me, typing away at his phone atan inhuman pace. I assumed he was making sure everything was ready for ourarrival in Canada.

“Alvin,” Megan said as she got up from herseat across from Tom. “You are waiting outside. Close the door behind you.”

After getting a quick confirmation from me,he was out of the room.

“Okay. Lay it on me. What’s the damage?” Itook my seat in the middle of the leather couch, draped my arms over the back,and forced my body to relax. This part of my job, talking about my image, myfuck-ups…this was the part I hated deep in my bones.

Megan gathered some papers from her deskdrawer then took her seat again. They both had equally grim faces.

“What?” I asked when they glanced at eachother, obviously trying to decide who should go first.

A few seconds passed and Tom sighed; any manwould wilt under Megan McDowell’s hard stare. She was the best publicist outthere, the toughest of them all, but that didn’t change the fact that she wasthe only woman Tom had a soft spot for.

“Megan got an email this morning and itchanges everything.”