Page 25 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Is it hard?”

“Not really. I mean, we’re all friends, soI guess it’s easier than it would be if they were complete strangers.”

After she gave me the address, we werequiet for the rest of the ride. Fuck, but I couldn’t stop glancing at her. Shehad the same little nose, that same spark in her eyes, yet she was so differentthan when I had last seen her. The worst part? She had boobs—boobs big enoughthat they’d cushioned my arm when I had accidentally encountered them as Isecured her in.

Fuck me, but my little Olive—the samelittle girl I had protected from shitty bullies—was not so little any more.

“Is this the right street?” I asked when Itook a right turn.

“Yes. You can stop here. I took enough ofyour time already.”

“Don’t be like that. Tell me which buildingit is.”

“Maybe I don’t want you to know where Ilive.”

I gave her an exasperated look, and shegave me an annoyed one, which only made me laugh.

She huffed and pointed to an old building.“Do you see those three people waiting there?”

“That old building?”

“Yeah that one.”

Coming to a stop in front of the buildingshe had pointed out, I turned off the engine.

“Is this place safe?” I asked, leaningtoward her to glance at the building through her window.

“Safe enough.” With a quickness I wasn’texpecting, she opened the door and got out. Leaning down to look at me throughthe open door, she said, “Thank you for dropping me off, Jason. It was reallynice to see you again. I’m glad we did this. Don’t read the book because it kindasucks if you ask me. Have a nice life. Bye.”

She shut the door on my smiling face. Ah.She was acting as if she could get away that easily now that I’d found her.

Chuckling to myself, I reached for my Ray-Bansand stepped out of the car. Following her, I watched a girl separate from theother two and run straight into Olive’s arms, all screaming and jumping.

The other girl had an equally big smile onher face when she finally reached the jumping duo. The guy? He didn’t look thathappy at all.

“Start from the beginning, you have to tellus everything. Do they want the movie rights? Did you say yes? How much didthey offer? Who will play Isaac?” I heard her friend ask rapidly. I couldn’thear Olive’s answers, but I was aware that she was trying to herd them backtoward the building.

And she hadn’t noticed me—yet.

“Olive,” I said next to her ear when herfriend focused on the other two and was looking over her shoulder.

“Jesus!” she screamed turning around.

Chapter Eight


My heart beating in my throat, I turnedaround to find Jason smiling at me.

“Not so fast, little one,” he said.

Grabbing his arm, I managed to pull him afew steps away. “What are you doing? They will recognize you!”

I chanced a look behind me. From what Icould see of the three open mouths, it was already too late.

“So what? I want to meet your friends.”

“Jason. Are you sure you are okay?Shouldn’t you be…I don’t know, a little more concerned about being in public?”