Page 23 of To Love Jason Thorn

“It’s not an hour. Seriously, I can getthere in like no time.”

“Then you won’t suffer too much in mypresence.”

“Were you always this stubborn when youwere little?” I asked, starting to get a little annoyed about being pulledaround like a doll.

“Oh, sweetheart,” he said softly, lookingover his shoulder, the annoying dimple winking at me. “You were always thelittle one, not me.”

Chapter Seven


After pushing a reluctant Olive into mycar, I rounded it and got in as she was mumbling something about killingsomeone.

Amused, I asked, “Are we going on a killingspree?”

I still couldn’t believe my eyes, that shewas actually there.

Frowning, she looked at me, her handjerkily pulling on the seatbelt. “What?”

“Easy there killer.” I smiled and leanedover her to take care of her little dilemma.

My nose was almost touching her cheek. Mmm.She smelled like apples, fresh and sweet.

I felt her stiffen.

My little Olive.

Securing her, I leaned back and my eyeszeroed in on her parted lips. “There you go.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled, looking anywherebut me. I looked away, too.

“So, you were muttering about killingsomeone?”

“Lucy. My friend.”

“What did she do to deserve such a gruesomedeath?”

Starting the car, I discreetly glanced ather.

The little girl who had always given me thebiggest smiles was long gone. While it looked like she hadn’t changed at all, Iknew everything had changed. It looked like I wasn’t the receiver of any smilesany more.

“I can’t be that bad of company, can I?” Iasked before she could reply about her friend.

She gave me a small smile. Not one of herbeautiful ones that used to light up her eyes and flush her cheeks, but still asincere one nonetheless.

“No, you are not that bad. You can drop meoff at USC, I’ll find my friends.”

“You go there?”


“Come on, Olive. Don’t be like that. Tell memore about what you’ve been up to. I still can’t believe we found each otherhere out of all the other places in LA.”

“A coffee shop or something like thatwould’ve been more like it, wouldn’it?”

“Exactly. A studio exec’s office? No way inhell.”

She chuckled. “It is a little weird, isn’tit?”