Page 20 of To Love Jason Thorn

Kill me now.

“Nice to meet you…Mr. Jason Thorn,” I said miserablywhen nobody else spoke for several seconds, silently shaving off years of mylife.

Of all the things I could’ve said at thatmoment, of all the things I could’ve been doing instead of sitting thereshaking like a leaf…

“Little one,” he said once he got up fromhis seat. There was affection in his voice. Definitely surprise, too, butmostly affection.

All the hairs on my body stood up.

Jason was already rounding the table comingtoward me. No escape now.

Defeated, I let go of my water glass andpushed my chair back to face Jason.

Once he reached me, only two steps separatedus. Two short steps after not seeing him for so many years.

“Olive,” he said, his lips cracking into abig grin. His eyes took in every inch of my body, causing me to blush.

Then he was in my space, his hands cradlingmy already flushed face. Involuntarily, I took a step back, my ass almostsitting on the table. He just came with me.

“Little one, look at you.” He laughed,triggering a smile on my face. “I can’t believe it, Olive. Fuck, look at you,”he repeated again.

The dimple? It was still as heartwarming tosee as it had been the first day I’d met him.

“Hi,” I said, lifting my hand in a littlewave.

He threw back his head and laughed.


“Mr. Jason Thorn? That’s what you say tome?”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” I mumbled, myface heating up.

“Jason?” his agent asked from behind. “Youknow her?”

“Yeah, I know her,” Jason answered, hiseyes still on me. “I was her favorite person in the whole wide world. She saidso herself when she was eight years old.” He tilted his head, his eyesnarrowing. “Or was it maybe seven?”

“Probably seven,” I muttered and closed myeyes. Yup, I had done that, because he had been exactly that for me.

“Oh, this is a nice surprise,” Bobby cutinto our unexpected reunion. “We didn’t know you two knew each other. This willdefinitely be a plus for the project.”

Jason winked at me.

My heart fluttered.

Then his hands finally left my face alone,only to grab my hand and turn back to Tom.

“You can handle this?”

“Of course, but I think you should stay.We’ll keep it short,” Tom responded.


“You can take care of everything.”

“Jason, wait a minute.”

Yes, Jason! Wait a minute!