Page 153 of To Love Jason Thorn

“You don’t kiss me nearly enough,” shemurmured against my lips. She wasn’t fighting my pull or trying to escape anymore, so I pulled her more firmly against my chest.

I was smiling when I murmured, “I’m tryingto do my best, but I keep falling short apparently. Maybe you should takematters into your own hands.”

“Everyone lock it down!” Tanner gave hislast warning and the set fell silent.

“What now?” Olive whispered. She was havinga hard time standing still.

“Now,” I said, framing her face with myhands so the camera couldn’t pick up the small differences between my Olive andLindsay.

“The curtain!” Tanner yelled; seconds latercold fake rain started to soak into our skin, making Olive squeal loudly.

“Jason! I’m going to kill you!”

Not letting go of her face, I smiled intoher eyes.

“You’re turning out to be quite the murderer,baby. I thought a pluviophile like you would appreciate this. It’s a smallchange to your book, but I thought…”

“It’s perfect,” she said, tilting her headback and laughing. “They are pretty much hosing us down with water, but I’lltake it. Are you really mine?” she asked when she had hair plastered all overher face.


“I am, sweetheart,” I whispered against herlips as my chest tightened. “I love you so much, Evie,” I said, knowing Tannerwould pick up our words and use them when he was piecing everything together.

Fake rain pouring down on us, I kissed hersoftly and slowly, countless times. At one point, Tanner switched cameras, butthere was no one that could pull Olive away from me. She was mine. I wouldn’tlet anyone take her away, not evil little bees and certainly not Adam Connor.

Every time we came up for a breath, Iwhispered her how much I loved her and how much I wanted to get into her pantswhen we got home. As soon as she was smiling, I would kiss her tenderly,drinking in her happiness.

When her body started shaking against mine,I hugged her tighter to myself.

“I kept my promise to you,” I said, kissingthe edges of her mouth as she took deep breaths. The world faded away and itwas just the two of standing in the middle of a fake road. “I told you that Iwould never forget you Olive Thorn, and it looks like my heart neverdid, sweetheart,” I tugged a piece of her hair, the familiar gesture making herlips wobble. “My world is a less scary place with you in it, baby. I will kissyou a thousand times every day if that’s what it takes to keep you in love withme for the rest of our days.”

Her tears mixed in with the rain, but shewas still smiling up at me when she said, “You stole my little heart with justone dimple, you sneaky little thief. I never managed to fall out of love withyou after that. I don’t think I know how to.”

“I never want you to learn. I’ll give youas many orgasms as you want along with the kisses.”

I kissed her.

“Why do I feel like you are trying to sellyourself to me? I might consider taking you if you promise you’ll do me in thescreening room at your house. Maybe we can do it while we are watchingsomething? Or listening? And I want to do it in the pool at least twice. Then Iwant do it in Devlin’s club, in one of those private rooms. And maybe wecan—”

I kissed her again. “I see you’re gonnawork me like a slave. You know that they are recording us, don’t you?”

Her eyes widened in shock and I heard a fewchuckles coming from the crew members.

“Kill me. Someone strike me with fakelightning, anything, please. It will look perfect for the movie. The authordied while filming the last scene. Think about the box office numbers orwhatever the hell…”

I chuckled and went for her lips again asTanner changed angles and told us to keep going.

Leaning into her ear, I whispered, “I willfuck you anywhere and any time you want, Olive. Crook your little finger at me,and I’ll take you in a heartbeat, baby.”

“Jason, give me another kiss and we’ll wrapthis up. Hold her face in your hands and go for it,” Tanner’s voice echoed tous.

“These lips?” I touched her lower lip withmy thumb. “I never want you to feel someone else’s lips against what’s mine. Iam it for you, Olive, the one, the right one—whatever you want to call it, I’mthat.”


I kissed her some more, taking my time andtilting her head in my hands, sinking deeper into her until I didn’t know if itwas her breathing life into me or if it was me being greedy and takingeverything she was giving me so freely.

When I was done kissing her, I knew myhands weren’t shaking because of the cold.

“I love you, little one,” I whispered, outof breath at last.

“Surprisingly, you’ve been the best kind ofheartache, Jason Thorn.” She smiled against my greedy lips and everything wasperfect in a way it had never been before.

“That’s a wrap, folks!”
