“Yes.” I rubbed my forehead some more.“Yes, everything changed.”
“You married Olive so it would look goodfor you, is that true?”
I flinched. Jesus! An interrogationwas not what I needed.
“Yes.” I sighed. “Yes, my publicist thoughtit would save my career after everything I’d done. When I saw Olive and actedlike…and then everyone else saw us together…”
I didn’t finish my sentence.
“I see. And now? What is different now?”
I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.I couldn’t decide if he was angry with me or not, but I answered honestly. “Ifell in love with your daughter, sir.” Looking over my shoulder, I gave Dylan ahard look. “That’s what changed.”
“And you think my daughter loves you too?”
Breaking eye contact with Dylan, I facedforward again. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “But I’m hoping that the answer isyes.”
“So why is she here? We saw the news. Ifyou are in love with her like you say you are, what happened?”
I told him everything that had happened thenight before, except the part where my dick was roaring to get into hisdaughter’s tight little body in public, of course. That I kept to myself.
The more I talked and explainedeverything—not just that my drink had been spiked, but everything that hadhappened between Olive and me—the more Dylan’s stance relaxed and he got closerto us.
After I talked for I don’t even know howlong, Logan smiled, patted my shoulder, and rose up from the steps.
“I’ll leave you two friends to catch up.Olive is sleeping, but you can stay here tonight and talk to her in themorning, Jason. I’m sure Emily would love to see you, too.”
Stopping next to Dylan, he added, “Sheisn’t a kid any more Dylan. She is old enough to make up her own mind aboutJason. Don’t interfere.”
When he got inside and closed the door,Dylan took his dad’s spot.
“So you really love her, huh? Have you toldher that?” he asked, sounding tired.
I already felt dead on my feet.
“How nice of you to believe me now,” I saida little pointedly as I glared at him. Fuck, I was too damn tired to fight withhim if he decided to be a jerk about this. “Give me a break. I just realized ittoday. I spent my entire day trying to find out where she was hiding.”
“You sound surprised every time you say it,and you keep saying it over and over.”
“If you have a problem with me being inlove with her, keep her out of it. I don’t want you to say anything that willupset her,” I grinded out, looking at the house across the street. I wonderedif Mr. and Mrs. Kealey still lived there.
“You’re protecting my sister from me?”
“Yes,” I said simply, giving him a hardglare. “You never knew how to keep your mouth shut around her. I won’t let yousay something stupid and break her heart. I don’t care if you are her brotheror not.”
He cocked an eyebrow and gave me a look Icouldn’t even begin to name.
“Huh,” he grunted.
We were silent for several moments.
“What are you doing in San Francisco,anyway?” I asked when the silence became too heavy. I wanted to go in and talkto Olive, but Logan had said she was sleeping. Was she okay? Was she angry?Sad? Disappointed in me?
“My wife’s best friend had a baby.We’re visiting for the weekend.”
That made sense.
More silence.