“I’m assuming not so drunk the othertimes it happened,” I said in a stony tone.
She shook her head and looked down. “I’msorry, Olive. I never thought this would happen to me.”
“To you? What happened to you,Charlotte?”
“You’re my best friend, Olive. Do youthink I was thrilled to realize I had feelings for my best friend’s boyfriend?Can you understand how much it hurt to see him with you after what happenedbetween us?”
“Wow. Should I say sorry for theinconvenience?”
I took a step back.
She grabbed my arm and stopped me beforeI could get away from her.
“Please don’t be angry with me, Olive.You didn’t love Marcus. We both knew it. You never loved him like you loveJason.”
“How can you decide that for me,Charlotte? Of course I loved Marcus. Maybe I should remind you that he was theone who dumped me, not the other way around.” I pulled my arm back and shedropped her hand. “Why did you think it was a good idea to tell me this now?Why bother? So much time has passed and you can actually have Marcus all toyourself. Why not just keep it to yourself?”
“I think Marcus is holding himself backbecause he thinks you’ll go back to him. Whatever you decide I wanted you tohave all the facts. We got together—”
I lifted my hand up and cut her off. “Idon’t think I want to hear anything more Charlotte.” I shook my head indisbelief. “Are you about to tell me that I should talk to Marcus and tell himthat we are never getting back together? Is that why you told me this? To makesure I would never go back to him if Jason dumped me?”
“Girls? What’s going on?” Lucy came upbehind us. I hadn’t realized that our voices were carrying over to them.
“Olive,” Charlotte said, ignoring Lucy.“It’s not like that. I didn’t think you—”
“That’s the problem, I don’t think youare thinking at all,” I said and turned my back to her. “Can we go down to thebathroom or something?” I asked Lucy. I was just realizing that my hands wereshaking. She looked into my eyes and nodded without asking anything.
My eyes were starting to water.
I glanced at Jason, but he was in aconversation with Lily, his brows furrowed, so I slipped out before he couldsee the state I was in. I didn’t want him to think that this was about Marcus.
Lucy grabbed my hand as soon as we wereout of the room and steered me downstairs.
We found a bathroom one floor down thatwas just for the private rooms, so as soon as we got in, Lucy guided me to sitdown on the bench in front of the mirrors. If my mind hadn’t been reeling withwhat Char had just told me, I would’ve enjoyed the décor in the bathroom, butunfortunately, I could barely see Lucy kneeling in front of me.
“What’s wrong, Olive? What did Charsay?”
A few tears escaped my eyes and slid downmy cheeks before I could wipe them away. “She slept with Marcus while we werestill together.”
Lucy straightened up then sat down nextto me. “Say that again?”
I nodded and wiped away more tears. Whywas I even crying? Was I really sad because Marcus had lied to me, had cheatedon me with my friend? I thought about it, but it didn’t take hold. It wasn’twhat Marcus had done that was breaking my heart. It was Charlotte.
I got up and started to pace in front ofLucy. “Why am I even crying? This is so stupid.”
“Can you start from the top and tell meexactly what she said to you?”
I nodded and told her everything Charhad said.
“I’m sorry, Olive. I don’t know what tosay. All I can think is where the hell was I when they were sneaking into eachother’s rooms?”
“Looks like I was wherever you were. Iwould never have thought Char would do something like this.”
“Are you going to talk to Marcus?”
A girl stumbled into the bathroom,heading straight toward the stalls.
“Why would I?” I asked, getting out ofthe way before she could take me down.