I definitely didn’t wanna gouge her eyesout or anything.
That would be gruesome.
“Hello Mr. Thorn. My name is Drew. Wewere waiting for you. If you can follow me, I’ll take you to Devlin.”
Jason didn’t reply, gave her a stiffnod, and pretty much shattered the girls dreams, judging by the look on herface.
Smug, I stood a bit straighter and gavethe girl a brilliant smile when she finally gave me a dismissing glance.
Fuck her.
After walking through a hallway filledwith mirrors and lights, we found ourselves at the mouth of the club where youcould see the sea of bodies dancing under the flashing lights. A remix of thelatest song by The Weeknd was blasting through the speakers and from what Icould see, it looked like everyone was having the time of their lives.
As we started following the girl,skirting around the gyrating bodies, Jason positioned me in front of him andkept his hands on me at all times.
Trusting him to guide me in the rightdirection, I took out my phone from the small clutch in my hands and sent aquick text to Lucy asking if they had arrived.
By the time we made it to Devlin’s sideand the blonde gave Jason one last longing look, Lucy had texted back, sayingthey were already inside. After sending one last text that asked her to meet usat the bar area where we were, I gave all of my attention to Jason.
“Your friends are here?” he asked assoon as I tucked my phone back into my purse.
“Yes. I told her where we are.” I lookedaround me and noticed that no one was bothering Jason. No one was coming at us,begging to take a picture with him or have him sign any of their body parts.
“Marcus?” he asked, his voice tighterthan I would’ve liked.
“No,” I said shortly and turned my eyesto Devlin. “Are you sure it’s safe for Jason to be down here?”
Devlin let out a sexy laugh. If Jasonhadn’t been my Jason, the guy I wanted to have babies with, I would have beencontent with just watching his friend. “Aww, how sweet of your little wife tobe worried about you, Jason,” he yelled to be heard.
Jason’s thumb brushed the underside ofmy breast.
“So, what do you think of my new place?”Devlin asked, opening his arms.
Sure, let’s ignore little Olive.
Despite feeling annoyed at beingdismissed again, I had to admit, his place did look amazing. The generalcolor scheme of the venue was black, white, and gold. There were white balloonsdipped in gold paint floating around the place and my hands were itching tosteal a few of them.
“It looks amazing,” I said, looking atthe female bartenders that were wearing pretty gold dresses. The guys werewearing black slacks with white button downs, complementing the girlsperfectly. The whole concept was simple, but sexy.
“What she said,” Jason said with a sexychin lift.
Looking satisfied with the answer,Devlin nodded. “What can I get you guys?” he asked, leaning toward us.
“I have to be on set tomorrow so I’llonly have one and I’ll take that later,” Jason answered his friend beforeglancing down at me.
“I’ll have a Long Island,” I murmured,looking up at him.
God, was it a good time to lick thatdimple? Or those lips, I would have been content with licking those lips…
Smiling at me as if he could hear mythoughts, he fitted his hand around my neck and brushed a small kiss at theedge of my mouth.
“Happy?” he asked, showing me a bit ofhis dimple.
Holding on to his forearm, I leaned upand kissed his dimple as my answer. When I leaned back, his dimple was out fullforce. Taking my drink from Devlin, I rested my back against Jason’s chest andlistened to them talk as I waited for the girls to find us.
Despite the thumping music, I heard Lucyyelling my name before I actually saw them. Jason took my drink from my handbefore I splashed it all over my pretty dress.
“You look amazing,” I said to Lucy,twirling her around to check out her dress. She was wearing a black lace dresswith a plunging neckline. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that short. “I’m guessingJameson is coming?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow.