Every single hair on my body stood up andmy body—acting completely on its own—arched toward him.
“Let’s see if you are properly in the moodthen.”
In my next breath, his big hands were atthe back of my thighs and a loud squeal left my lips. I quickly wrapped my armsaround his neck as he lifted me up.
“I’m getting used to this whole carrying meaway thing,” I murmured, still avoiding his eyes.
“I just want you to get the wholeexperience right, you know, feel it in your bones kinda thing, so you can writea good sex scene.”
“All for the greater good, you say?”
When he dipped me down and my back met thecouch pillows, I thought he would dump me there, but instead he kept one of hishands firmly around my waist, reached for my laptop, and opened the site thathad the sound clips.
“What are you doing?” I asked, my voicetinged with a bit of panic.
“Just want to see if I can make you screamlouder than her. How long is this thing?” he asked after pressing play on thesame one that had been playing when he’d busted me.
Still hugging him with my arms and legs, Ianswered his question. “Around fifteen, twenty minutes, I think.”
“We will definitely beat them,” he murmuredas soft licking sounds filled the house.
“Are we in a race that I’m not aware of?”He straightened us up and started to head toward his bedroom.
I’m telling you, hearing sounds—especiallylicking and slurping—coming from the walls was the weirdest thing ever.
“Don’t you want to play with me? Scream myname while I’m pounding away at you?”
I groaned. Even if the audio-porn hadn’tdone the trick, Jason was definitely getting me there with his words. “Thatdoes sound good, but…”
“No buts, sweetheart. Let me help you withyour research.”
Then my back hit his bed with a thump andhis lips took my mouth in a scorching kiss.
With frantic hands, I reached for his shirtat the same time he reached for mine. I took his off in a hurry as soon as hegave me an opening and he took care of mine even quicker. Seeing the outline ofhis cock straining against the thick material of his jeans did nothing to helpme calm down and take it easy as I struggled to open the damn button.
In seconds, he had me completely nakedunder him. When I was breathless from his kiss, he stepped off the bed and tookoff his jeans and briefs all on his own. His dark eyes never once strayed awayfrom mine.
His erection—or whatever you called thatmonster—was standing up proudly as my attention focused on the thick vein I wasdying to trace with my tongue.
Putting his hands under my knees, he slowlypulled me to himself, toward the edge of the bed. In seconds, my legs werebeing spread open and his head was right between my legs, licking me clean.
When he was done—or more accurately, when Iwas done for—he crawled on top of me, his erection incredibly hard and warm againstmy leg.
“Point one for us,” I murmured, my voice alittle hoarse from all the begging and moaning. The girl was still begging forher release.
“You were soaking wet, Olive. Was that allfor me, or was it the audio that got you this hot?”
“Both, I think,” I said, looking away fromhis persistent gaze.
“You are full of surprises,” he murmuredand licked my lips, parting them open so he could slide his tongue inside.
In the background, when the girl came in arush, Jason was still lazily kissing the fuck out of me.
“Now that they caught up, what now?” heasked as he pressed small kisses on my jawline. His fingers were doingsomething wicked to my nipples as he made his way down toward them.
The sounds of skin slapping and other wetsounds filled the room and before I could order my brain to answer hisquestion, Jason said, “I think I know what that sound is.”