Yes. That’s exactly how I felt.
Indifferent. Tired.
The only time it seemed like I wasbreathing again was when I was on a movie set, pretending to be someone else.
In a way, my life was a play.
“Oh my god, Jason. Yes. Yes, I knew itwould be like this with you.” She moaned as her words slurred. I picked up mypace. This was the only time she’d be getting fucked senseless by me; Ishould’ve been focused on her.
“Keep it quiet,” I hissed in her ear as hercries started to get higher. “You don’t want to get caught getting fucked inthe street, do you?”
“I do. I do. Yes! Yes!”
I dropped my head to her shoulder and racedfor the finish line. The quicker this was over, the quicker I could get back tomy house.
Grabbing her ass, I wrapped both of herskinny legs around my waist and kept drilling into her. Her sharp cries echoedin the dark alley, blending with the music that was coming through the walls ofthe nightclub her back was against.
“Oh, fuck me, Jason,” she screeched in myear.
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” I said throughgritted teeth. With all her shrieking, I was already sobering up.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on thetask at hand. When she suddenly tipped over the edge to fucking dreamland, Iswore and came after her as she kept squeezing my dick rhythmically.
Tipping my head back, I felt every musclein my body relax and experienced the bliss I appreciated so much, even if itwas only for a few seconds.
That’s exactly when I heard the runningfootsteps coming from behind us. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the first ofmany blinding flashlights.
“Fuck,” I swore, my hands quickly gettingrid of the condom before they could get to us.
Jenna slumped back on the wall and sighed,an even more doped up smile beginning to form on her lips as she started to fixher hair.
Zipping up my fly, I pulled down her skirtfor her as she was too busy already beaming up to our intruders over myshoulder.
Shit! Theywere almost on us. Thankfully, my body was big enough to hide her from theircameras so I doubted they had gotten any shots of what we’d been doing justseconds before. At best, they would think I’d taken her out for a quick makeout session.
“Jason! Jason! Is this a new relationship?”the one with the mustache yelled.
Click. Click. Click.
“Did your love start on set? Are the rumorstrue?”
“When are you goin’ public with this?”
Click. Click.
“Did you start a relationship to promoteyour new movie?”
“Jason! Talk to us man! What were you guysdoing back here?”
A few of them snickered.
Click. Click. Click.
What’s-her-name threw her arms around myneck and beamed at the cameras. “How did you find us back here? This wassupposed to be secret. We were being clever.”
My face a mask of calm, I gently shrugged offher arms yet again and opened the private back door to push her back into theclub.
Her eyes were as big as saucers and she couldn’tdo anything but gape at me as I closed the door on her face and turned to facethe paps still shouting questions at me. Thankfully, there were only seven oreight of them.