Page 129 of To Love Jason Thorn

Before I could get to it, Jason leaned downand lifted it up from the floor. I jerked it out of his hands as soon as I wasnext to him. While the screen was shattered in the top left corner, thedocument I was working on was still open. Thank god. I hadn’t lost everythingI’d spent hours working on.

“Are we watching porn, little one?” Jasonasked with a suggestive voice from behind me, and just like that, the littlescare I had experienced seconds before turned into something else.

Something like terror.

I groaned and dove for the TV, which wasdisplaying a gif of a very sexy dude hammering into a pretty brunette on thescreen. However, it was a failed attempt because Jason was quicker than me.

“Not so fast my little Olive,” he murmuredas he curled his hands on the edge of the couch and successfully caged me in.As if all of that wasn’t enough to cause major mortification, the second Jasonpinned me between the couch and his gorgeous body, the couple in the speakerspicked up speed in their lovemaking, making all kinds of skin-slapping noises,groaning, and cursing. It sounded like someone was going at it inches away fromour faces.

Jason took my laptop from my hands andgently tossed it on the couch.

“Well, my beautiful wife, isn’t thissomething to come home to.”

“Oh my god,” I groaned and clutched at hisshirt with both hands, then proceeded to push my forehead against his shoulder.I could’ve happily hidden there for years.

When Jason’s chest started to shake withquiet laughter under my head, I burrowed closer.

“Please, just kill me,” I grumbled into hisshirt.

“Oh, I couldn’t, sweetheart,” he said,nudging my chin up with his fingers.

He had that look on his face, thatspecific look that perfectly matched the erection I was feeling against my hip.

The woman’s moans reached their crescendoand she finally came.


Seconds later, her partner joined her withhis own release.

Then blissful silence.

Why couldn’t have they finished just a fewminutes earlier so Jason wouldn’t think I was a pervert? Was that too much toask?

“So…” Jason broke the silence as he lookeddown at me expectantly.

“Welcome home,” I said, forcing a smile onmy red face. “How was shooting today? Did anything interesting happen on set?Which scenes did you—”

He interrupted me, which I thought wasquite rude.

“I don’t think those are the rightquestions to ask today, my dear wife.”

That last word… It melted my heart andmy brain.

“Are you horny? I’m not taking care ofyou?” he asked while I was trying to recover from completely melting into apuddle.


“You heard me.” He tucked a hair behind myear, his fingers lingering on my skin.

“I was just doing research,” I mumbled,unable to look into his eyes.

“Research, huh?”

“Yep. There was a sex scene and I needed alittle inspiration…and I…well, I thought it would be more authentic if I was inthe mood.”

“Hmmm.” He finally broke our eye contactand bent down to nuzzle his nose against my neck as he breathed me in.

Hot guy sniffing me alert!