“Ah, please, get out.”
Holding her hands up, she backed away.“Just a suggestion. You guys are in a marriage now; you shouldn’t make a bigdecision like that without talking to your hunky husband.”
“Sure, I’ll do that.”
She gave me a miserable sigh. “As if youleaving is not bad enough, now I’m forced to sleep on the couch when Jamesonstays over. No comfy breasts, no spooning…”
I stalked her toward the door with a biggrin on my face. “Poor Lucy. I’m getting all the spoons. And I’m begging you,please, sleep in the same bed with the poor guy. At least give him that much.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re theworst friend on planet earth.”
“Thanks, I try.”
It was hours after Lucy had left and I’dstopped wandering around the house trying to decide if I should call Char tosee what was going on or not. It wasn’t that I was jealous; I knew Marcus haddated other girls after me—he had even brought a few of them home. It hadstung, but I hadn’t been jealous. Hell, I was fake married to my childhoodcrush, who was I to have an opinion on their lives?
But, being with my friend? Kissing her?Sleeping with her??
I wasn’t feeling very motivated to get backto the story I was working on, but I forced myself to sit down and get somewords in since I had planned to write until Jason got home. When the sceneturned from emotional to another hot sex scene, I thought it would be a goodidea to get on tumblr and do some research, look at some erotic picturesand…you know, get motivated.
Since I knew Jason wouldn’t be home for atleast another three hours, I connected my laptop to his ginormous TV viaBluetooth and started scrolling through some tasteful black and whites. Afterjumping from one tumblr site to another, I found a new site that had all kindsof audio recordings—masturbation, edging, threesomes, fisting (holy shit!),dirty talk, moans, and good ol’ mf having sex.
Curious and admittedly excited, I pressedplay on one of the ‘dirty talk’ sound clips and immediately flinched when adeep voice echoed in Jason’s house: You like getting your pussy fucked up bythis big cock, don’t you?
I was scared out of my wits. I had no ideathat Jason had in-wall speakers in the house. I lowered the volume, but it wasstill an…experience, to say the least.
Not liking the girl calling the guy ‘daddy’and mewling unnecessarily, I stopped that one and pressed play on another clip.And then another.
And another.
And another.
I didn’t mind watching porn, but I didn’tlike going through a million videos just to find something that would actuallyexcite me. I wasn’t after a storyline or anything like that, but when the girlis screaming all over the place, faking it, or you don’t find a guy attractive,no matter how many inches he has, it is hard to get into what they are doing.
So, having the freedom to imagine whomeverI wanted to imagine while I listened to sexy skin slapping, some dirty words,and pretty good moaning, I was a happy girl.
Once I found a ten-minute, homemade soundclip of a guy that was groaning and moaning just as much as the girl was, Iclosed my eyes and pictured Jason and me having sex.
That right there? Instant arousal.
Opening my document, I started to put downthe words and soon enough I was lost in them.
The moment I felt someone’s breath on myneck and heard the voice, I screamed at the top of my lungs and tossed mylaptop right over my head.
By the time I realized it was Jason who hadscared me out of my mind, I was already standing in the middle of the ottoman,holding my chest and begging my heart to stay put where it belonged.
“What did you do that for? Are you crazy?!”I screamed, still breathless.
Jason was rubbing his head and looking atme as if I was the one who had lost her mind. “You throw your laptop at my headand you are calling me crazy?”
My laptop.
“Oh no!”
I jumped down from the safety of theottoman and ran for my laptop. “No, no, no, no.” I couldn’t lose all the stuffI had written.