Page 126 of To Love Jason Thorn

“How do you even know he is crazy for me?”

“Please,” I said, fighting the urge to rollmy eyes. “Have you even seen how the guy looks at you? I’ll admit he is hot asfuck.” She gave me a quick grin. “And still he is like a puppy following youaround. You keep kicking him out of your bed, but whenever you turn around hejumps right back in.”

“He really is hot as fuck. We did good,didn’t we?”

I waved my hand dismissively. “I have noidea what I’m doing right now, but you definitely did good. You should hold onto him, Lucy.”

She put down her bowl of blueberries andsighed. “If I talk about the annoying bastard, you’ll give me a few detailsabout how Jason is in bed?”


“Fine. This is called blackmail by the way,if you didn’t know.”

I quirked my eyebrow and waited for her togo on.

“Fine. I never intended to sleepwith him more than once, okay? Then it just got out of control. And you don’tsee him at school; it’s not like he is running around after me. He is flirtingwith everything that moves and has a vagina. I have no idea why he keeps comingback for more.”

“Are you sure about the flirting? I mean,do you know if he is sleeping with anyone else? If he is, I have no idea howthe heck he is keeping up.”

“Of course I’m sure. I don’t think he issleeping with anyone else though.”

“I think he is trying get your attentionwith all the flirting. I’m telling you, that guy is head over heels in lovewith you. He is just waiting for you to do something about it.”

She rose up from the floor and went back tothe kitchen. “I’m going to use this state of the art espresso machine and nottalk about freaking Jameson any more.” She pointed her finger at me and wiggledher eyebrows. “And I believe you owe me some details about your belovedhusband. Gimme.”

“Pfff,” I snorted. “Husband my ass.”

Playing with the buttons on the espressomachine, she looked at me over her shoulder. “Get your ass over here so I can actuallyhear you.”

Reluctantly, I lifted myself up from thecomfy couch and made my way toward her. No way in hell was I going to try tosit on those bar stools though. I pretty much hated all six of them with aburning passion.

“Okay, you have a limit of two questions.Choose wisely.” I leaned over the counter and rested my chin on my hands.

“Stop grinning, you dork.” She laughed atmy expression. “Okay. Just let me think about it for a second. Closing hereyes, she donned her thinking face and started humming. “Okay, I won’t ask ifhe was any good, because, duh…your lips are about to split from all thatgrinning you’re doing. I won’t ask if you came, because again…duh… I feel likeI wanna ask how long he lasts…nah, I won’t ask that either.”

My grin turned into laughter. “Come on. Isaid small details. Ask something that’s been eating at you for all theseyears.”

“Fine. Is he big? I just gotta ask that.” Iopened my mouth to answer but she covered my mouth with her hand. “No! Don’tsay it; show me how big.”

“Okay.” Grinning, I lifted my hands andslowly started parting them. Her smile got wider and wider.

“Yowza! Damn woman. What is that eight,nine inches? You lucked out. Damn.”

Blushing a little, I laughed. “Okay, do youhave a second question?”

“Crap. If I’d known you were actually goingto answer them, I’d have made a list. I can’t decide on the best question whenyou put me on the spot. Okay, does he talk when you’re, you know…doing it? Imean, is he a dirty talker? Because if he is, I might just pass out right herein his kitchen, and then you’ll have to nurse me back to health and I’ll get tostay here.”

“You don’t have to pass out to stay here,Lucy.”

Already fanning herself, she said, “Goahead, answer. He is a dirty talker, isn’t he? He has to be.”


Her eyes almost popped out of theirsockets. “That wasn’t a yes or no question, woman! You have to give me morethan that.”


She dropped to her knees and put her armson the edge of the island I was leaning on. “Pity me, Olive. For the love ofour friendship. Please.”